Nabla Wind Hub

Nabla Wind Hub

Nabla Wind Hub

Nabla wind hub is an independent solution provider for life extension and performance improvement of wind turbines, specialized in wind assets’ redevelopment in a post-subsidies market. Life extension and performance improvement of wind farms, and long-term maintenance plans, are the keys of our company to unlock the hidden potential of your wind farm and fuel the transition to green energies worldwide.

Company details

Kobiboden 63 , Einsiedeln , CH-8840 Switzerland
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Wind Energy
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
Please, visit the following links for more info:

The keys of nabla wind hub
life extension

up to 40 years

Pave the way for up to 40 years of electrical production, controlling the risk in the long term. Knowledge lowers risk, lowering LCOE.

maintenance costs optimization

save up to 9% OPEX

Deploy preventive site condition based long term maintenance plans, based on high accuracy predictive analyses and advanced O&M engineering.
performance improvement

up to +25% AEP

State of the art in-house rerotoring solutions, tailor made for your site and platform, unlocking higher AEP.

Every wind farm has a hidden potential that can be unlocked with independent technologies, with limited and controlled risk. In nabla we call this redevelopment.

With a combination of our human intelligence, leading technologies, and dynamism, we anticipate to the innovation trends, and we offer top solutions for enabling the life extension and performance improvement of the wind farms.

achieve the optimal balance for your assets


Long-term control of the technical risk while optimising production with lowest uncertainties compliant with IEC61400-28 best practices.

Increase the value of your assets by minimizing your LCOE, through extended life, increased AEP, and lower OPEX.
Bankable methodology that allows debt restructurings, risk profile improvement towards insurers, investors, authorities, and due dilligences.