Energy Suppliers Near Jordan For Soil And Groundwater Monitoring

94 companies found
  • Apogee Instruments, Inc.
    Distributor in , JORDAN

    Apogee Instruments has become a respected leader in the manufacture of innovative, durable, and accurate environmental instruments. Our instruments have been trusted for thousands of applications around the globe. Our passion for research and ...

  • Campbell Scientific, Inc.
    Distributor in , ISRAEL

    We are a leading designer and manufacturer of data loggers, data acquisition systems, and measurement and control products used worldwide in a variety of applications related to weather, water, energy, gas flux and turbulence, infrastructure, and ...

  • LI-COR, Inc.
    Distributor in , ISRAEL

    LI-COR is a leading innovator in developing high quality instrument systems that are used for plant research, gas analysis, drug discovery, protein research, and small animal imaging. Our instruments, analysis software, and reagents are used in more ...

    Distributor in Tel Aviv, ISRAEL

    For 85 years, BUCHI has been a leading solution provider in laboratory technology for R&D, quality control, and production worldwide. Our company is headquartered in Eastern Switzerland and has R&D, production, sales, and service facilities around ...

  • GeoSIG Ltd
    Distributor in Tel Aviv, ISRAEL

    Swiss manufacturing company GeoSIG Ltd was founded in 1992 with a vision of offering precision seismic and vibration monitoring and measuring solutions that would be reliable and long-lasting at more attainable prices. Currently located in ...

  • Geotomographie GmbH
    Distributor in Cairo, EGYPT

    Geotomographie provides complete solutions for borehole and near-surface seismic surveys to geophysical, engineering and mining companies. We design seismic borehole sources and receivers and develop specifically tailored software. For our ...

  • AMETEK Spectro Scientific
    Distributor in , EGYPT

    Spectro Scientific, an ISO 9001:2015 company, specializes in analytical tools and software for machine condition monitoring. The company is one of the largest suppliers of oil, fuel and fluid analysis instruments to industry and the military ...

  • eralytics GmbH
    Distributor in Bagdad, IRAQ

    The analysis of liquids plays a crucial role in ensuring environmental protection, consistent product quality, process optimisation and overall safety. Therefore, the need for easy, rugged and accurate fluid analysers is essential. For more than a ...

  • Sensor, spol. s r.o.
    Office in Ankara, TURKEY

    Sensor was founded in 1990 and since then became the world’s leader in electronic leak detection and location systems. Sensor’s technology was successfully deployed at more than 1500 projects till the day protecting over seventeen million square ...

  • Delta-T Devices Ltd.
    Distributor in Çankaya Ankara, TURKEY

    Delta-T offers a wide range of data loggers and sensors able to measure and record hydrological, meteorological and other environmental parameters. Our products provide direct measurements of the forces and effects that renewable energy and other ...

  • RainWise Inc.
    Distributor in Istanbul, TURKEY

    RainWise has led the industry on the advancement of weather monitoring technology from the development of our original product, the Remote Reading Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge, to the invention of the first digital weather station. Our technology ...

  • Jacobi Group
    Office in Şişli/İstanbul, TURKEY

    Jacobi Group was founded in 1916 by Ferdinand Adolph Wilhelm Jacobi, today it is made up of three core business units (activated carbons, ion exchange resins and mobile filter units) to serve a wide range of customer needs. With manufacturing ...

  • Umwelttechnik MCZ GmbH
    Distributor in Athens, GREECE

    MCZ has more than 20 years of experience in the construction and manufacture of apparatuses and systems in the area of gas analysis and related fields. MCZ develops and manufacturers devices and systems for end customers as well as OEM systems. MCZ ...

  • Sisgeo S.r.l.
    Office in ATHENS, GREECE

    SISGEO was founded in 1993 inheriting the abilities of SIS Geotecnica, leading company in Italy in the geotechnical field. Over the years, SISGEO has distinguished itself among the international excellences thanks to a tight and highly motivated ...

  • SCP Science
    Distributor in , GREECE

    SCP SCIENCE, to serve the needs of the inorganic analytical chemistry market in 1980. Over decades, the company grew substantially through the development of extensive internal manufacturing capability, the acquisition of several companies, and the ...

  • Buck Scientific Inc
    Distributor in , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

    Buck Scientific offers a wide variety of new analytical instruments and supplies. We have established a reputation for affordable products with excellent analytical capabilities. Buck Scientific, Inc. has more than 10,000 satisfied instrument users ...

  • Focused Photonics Inc. (FPI)
    Distributor in Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

    The establishment of FPI in 2002 was shortly followed by its successful expansion to steel Industry where the in-situ TDLAS of FPI was acknowledged as benchmark monitor for process gases measurement. Focused Photonics Inc. (also known as FPI) ...

  • PCE Instruments India Private Ltd.
    Office in Zagreb, CROATIA

    Development, manufacturing and sales of test equipment, laboratory equipment, control and weighing equipment mainly for commercial and industrial customers. Also universities and research institutions profit from our instruments. PCE specializes in ...

  • European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
    Research institute
    Office in Ispra, ITALY

    The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission's science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy throughout the whole policy cycle. ...

  • Poweruc SP.ZO.O.
    based in Rzeszów, POLAND

    YHDC since 1992, is focus on the production and sales of power transformer, current transformers, hall effect sensors, transducer, power meters and other electrical components. And committed to providing safe and reliable products and solutions for ...

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