Newson Gale - Hoerbiger Safety Solutions

Newson Gale - Hoerbiger Safety Solutions

Newson Gale - Hoerbiger Safety Solutions

For over 30 years, Newson Gale has been leading the way in hazardous area static grounding control, serving industries where processes generating static electricity have the potential to ignite flammable or combustible atmospheres. . Fires and explosions can occur as a result of uncontrolled static discharge from plant, people and materials, and these commonly result in civilian injuries and fatalities, as well as significant financial losses in direct property damage and plant downtime. To help control these risks, Newson Gale offers a wide range of static grounding and bonding equipment which is made to provide optimum safety in explosive atmospheres and other hazardous operating environments.

Company details

Omega House, Private Road 8, Colwick , Nottingham , Nottinghamshire NG4 2JX United Kingdom
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Monitoring and Testing - Health and Safety Monitoring and Testing
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)
Year Founded: