Nissen Energy A/S

Nissen Energy A/S

Nissen Energy A/S

NISSEN energy designs units as well as complete plants. As a basis for the design, we prepare 3D drawings of the entire plant. We have our own production facilities for both unit- and container solutions and an in-house electrical workshop. In all departments, work is focused on high quality and a safe, user-friendly working environment for the end user. In addition to our products, we offer project management, in whole or in part, in cooperation with the customer and external advisors. Our products are CE-approved in accordance with the Machinery Directive, and we offer risk assessment and CE marking of the complete plant.

Company details

Godthaabsvej 1 , Skanderborg , 8660 Denmark
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Waste to Energy
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)

Explore global challenges and sustainable solutions
For more information State of Green



Denmark has had a tradition of cogeneration, and through the 1990s, NISSEN energy was involved in installing a large number of natural gas-fired decentralized CHP plants.

Denmark’s fuel change in the 00s meant, that natural gas fired plants today are typically used in nursing homes, hospitals, sports centers, etc. where heat and electricity is a necessity, even if the supply grid should fail.

NISSEN energy was among the first movers, therefore we have extensive experience and expertise with gas engines powered by biogas from farm biogas and WWT-plants.

Biogas is a mixture of gases methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). For more information about this proces:  Lundsby Biogas A/S.


A landfill is, in principle, also a large biogas plant and by using simple technology, the gas can be sucked up and utilized. NISSEN energy is part of Deponigas ApS and hereby keept up to date within the landfill gas area.