5 products found
Nissen Energy A/S Products
Gas Engine Energy Solutions
Our ambitions are high and we don’t like to waste energy. Together we must strive to achieve the globale goals and with NISSEN energy’s highly efficient gas engine plant (CHP), we ensure that the WWTP can produce as much energy as possible, and become energy neutral for the benefit of both the individual plant’s economy and the environment. NISSEN energy handles design, construction and commissioning of gas engine units (CHP) or the ...
Gas-/Oil Burner and Boiler
NISSEN energy delivers the equipment for your energy solution, whether it is a new gas burner, oil burner, boiler or a retrofit solution of an existing system, which is thus kept up to date. We are ready with guidance, sparring and installation, just as we can of course handle the subsequent service and maintenance of your gas burner, oil burner and / or boilers. All makes – from 135 kW: NISSEN energy has been selling Zantingh gas burners in ...
Gas Cleaning and Gas Coolers
NISSEN energy has developed our own treatment plant for gas purification, which takes care of the challenges in connection with gas purification when producing sustainable energy on biogas. Biogas is a clean and efficient energy solution, but the biogas that comes directly from the process typically has a low pressure (5-20 mbar) and a high content of water. In addition, the biogas, depending on the raw material, contains siloxane and / or sulfur in the ...
Gas Upgrade
At NISSEN energy, we design and construct gas upgrade systems based on the most efficient membrane on the market – the SEPURAN® Green membrane from EVONIK. You get all the benefits of membrane technology and a partner with an eye for your specific ...
Gas Flare
NISSEN energy supplies our high-efficiency gas engine plant (CHP) for the utilization of the produced biogas for electricity and heat production, but we also supply new gas flares (flare) for environmentally correct burning of excess gas in the event of operational disruptions and in emergencies. NISSEN energy performs safety checks, repairs and troubleshooting on existing gas ...