Polytechnik Luft- und Feuerungstechnik GmbH

Polytechnik Luft- und Feuerungstechnik GmbH

3 products found

Polytechnik Luft- und Feuerungstechnik GmbH Products

  • Combustion Plant

    Combustion Plant

    Air and water-cooled horizontal and step grates. Grateless firings and combinations. Stationary fluidised ...

  • Fuel Conveyors

    Fuel Conveyors

    Conveyor and portioning systems adjusted specifically to the relevant fuel characteristic and type of operation guarantee a trouble-free and energy efficient supply of various types biomass to the energy ...

  • Heat Recovery

    Heat Recovery

    In order to maintain a high plant efficiency at every point of the operation even with wet fuel, flue gases can be cooled down below the flue gas dew point. Steam and accompanying substances (including particulate matter) are condensed and the released condensation heat is transferred to a heat carrier medium (low-temperature). These systems, which often are referred to as flue gas condensation plants, utilise the latent heat content of the fuel gas and ...