Poppe + Potthoff GmbH

Poppe + Potthoff GmbH

2 products found

Poppe + Potthoff GmbH Products

  • Common Rail | Hp Pipes

    For the particularly high-performance diesel engines in the passenger car and commercial vehicle sector Poppe + Potthoff supplies both common rail subsystems, high-pressure injection lines, and precision components such as, for example, injectors and pressure pipe tubes. Competent partner for injection systems: Poppe + Potthoff has also concerned itself with the development of double-walled Common Rail Subsystems and lines for marine applications and offers components for applications of up to 3000 bar. We develop, produce, test and validate the components in our Technology Center.

  • Common Rail Subsystems For Passenger Cars

    Common Rail Subsystems For Passenger Cars

    Poppe + Potthoff supply the automobile industry with high-quality common rail subsystems and high-pressure injection lines for diesel engines developed in-house. In the sector of electronically controlled high-pressure diesel injection systems (Common Rail) Poppe + Potthoff is system supplier for renowned automobile manufacturers. System components for common rail distributor lines and injection lines are designed jointly. The latest development is the ...

  • Hydrogen System

    Hydrogen System

    Absolute customer-centricity enables us to offer unique H2 system architectures from a single source. In doing so, we lay out all the key components for transferring the hydrogen from the tank to the fuel cell or hydrogen combustion engine ...