Power and Energy, Inc.

Power and Energy, Inc.

Power and Energy, Inc.

Power+Energy manufactures Micro-Channel Hydrogen Purifiers and Hydrogen Separators. Power+Energy`s Purifiers supply Ultra-Pure Hydrogen to manufactures of LEDs, Power Devices, Solar Cells, Semiconductors and LCDs. Power+Energy`s purifiers also supply Ultra-Pure Hydrogen for Fuel Cell Vehicles and for Fuel Cell Testing. Power+Energy`s Hydrogen Separators supply Ultra-Pure Hydrogen from Reformate or other Mixed Gas Streams and are used by manufacturers of Auxiliary Power Units (APU) and by Advanced and Renewable Fuel Producers. Based in Pennsylvania, Power+Energy provides local Sales and Service Support across the World through an extensive network of Channel Partners. Building on a Deep Knowledge of Hydrogen Processing and in support of the roll-out of Fuel Cell Powered Vehicles, Power+Energy is developing a High-Efficiency Micro-Channel Fuel Processor that will provide a Low-Cost route to generating Fuel-Cell Ready Hydrogen at existing Vehicle Fueling locations.

Company details

106 Railroad Drive , Ivyland , PA 18974-1449 USA
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Industry Type:
Energy Monitoring and Testing
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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Power+Energy supplies Hydrogen Purity Analyzers and Hydrogen Separators and is developing high-efficiency, low cost Hydrogen Generators for fuel cell applications.

P+E Hydrogen Separators separate pure hydrogen gas from reformate, syn-gas or other mixed gas streams, producing nine 9’s H2 with all impurities reduced to < 1 part-per-billion (ppb). Our Hydrogen Separators are used in Auxiliary Power Units and by the manufacturers of advanced and renewable fuels.

Our Analyzers combine a patented impurity concentration system with a high-resolution mass spectrometer. Limits of detection as low as 1 part-per-billion (ppb) are achievable with Power+Energy’s HEMS instruments (Hydrogen Elimination Measuring Systems).

Based in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Power+Energy has local sales and service support partners across the world through an extensive network of channel partners.

Power+Energy is leading the way to a hydrogen powered future with hydrogen separation, analysis and generation products based on its unique patented hydrogen technologies and its proprietary low cost automated manufacturing processes.

Our Mission

  • Provide accurate, low-cost, dependable Hydrogen Gas Analysis
  • Deliver high-purity Hydrogen for Fuel Cell Applications
  • Generate low cost Hydrogen from fossil, alternative and renewable fuels

CEO and Chief Scientist Dr. Peter R. Bossard founded Power + Energy, Inc. in early 1993. That July, Power+Energy shipped its first hydrogen purifier. Since then, over 700 H2 purifiers have been shipped to customers around the world. P+E introduced its advanced Micro-Channel purifier design in 2008. Over 100 micro-channel H2 purifier systems were shipped in the first two years following its introduction.

On April 19 2013, Power+Energy sold its purifier product line to SAES Pure Gas Inc. This move is part of Power+Energy’s strategy to focus more completely on the rapidly-growing hydrogen fuel market.


With Power+Energy’s patented membrane separation technology, syngas generated from fuels such as natural gas, methanol, gasoline, diesel, propane, and ethanol can be converted into a stream of pure hydrogen gas with less than 1 parts per billion of carbon monoxide and sulfur, meeting the highest purity standards for powering a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell.

Power+Energy’s novel Hydrogen Elimination Measurement System (HEMS) technology enables the analysis of all impurities in a hydrogen in real time in a single instrument. HEMS can be used to qualify H2 fuel to the SAEJ2719 purity specification providing confidence to fuel suppliers, fuel station operators, regulators and consumers that their hydrogen fuel meets the purity specification required to ensure long life for the vehicle fuel cell.

For the semiconductor and LED industries, HEMS can detect part-per-trillion (ppt) levels of all critical impurities helping manufacturers to ensure that their hydrogen and hydrogen gas systems are sufficiently clean to produce high device yields.

P+E anticipates the arrival of a broader hydrogen economy by expanding its technical focus from H2 purification and analysis to the efficient generation of hydrogen. The market for distributed hydrogen generation for use in fuel cells is set to grow rapidly through the next decade as the world adopts hydrogen fuel cells for transportation and as replacements for more polluting methods of auxiliary power generation.

Power+Energy is developing  its unique Radial MicroChannel Reactor (RMR) technology for generating syngas and hydrogen from a variety of fossil, alternative and renewable fuels. RMR is the most compact, highest efficiency technology so far invented for syngas and hydrogen generation.

Whether converting propane to support a fuel cell at a remote site, diesel fuel to hydrogen gas for auxiliary power for commercial trucking, backup power for hospitals, police, and fire stations, or gasoline into hydrogen for hydrogen fueling stations for automobiles, Power+Energy’s unique ultra-pure systems can deliver the high-quality, low-cost hydrogen needed to enable the widespread use of ultra-clean fuel cells.