Accurate Wind Resource Assessment. Power Performance Verification. Bankable Data to Reduce Fund Risk. Power Curve Assessment and Prediction. Turbine Efficiency Evaluation. Turbine Wake Detection. Wind Farm Control and Optimization. Wind Shear.
The remote sensing Lidars are accepted more than ever for wind measurements in onshore and offshore farms. The maintenance-free wind speed lidar offers many advantages over using met masts alone. The advances in remote sensing technology have made wind speed lidar more reliable and accurate. The compact lidars are also mobile, relatively small and adaptable to be installed on different platforms and environments.
The Lidar Wind Speed is already widely used in all phases of a wind project. The Lidar technology has made significant progress in the last decade in becoming a widely accepted source of accurate data to support resource assessment and thus, wind farm developments. The remote sensing lidars are embraced because the measurement data is accurate, reliable and bankable. The deployment and maintenance is easy and of low cost, popular in different application scenarios, especially when applied in wind industry for...
The Lidar technology becomes indispensable in the development of wind energy projects, especially when it expands from onshore to offshore. The wind measurement solution by lidars is more cost-saving and feasible. The offshore lidar wind energy is under fast development with the achievements of lidar technology. The wind energy Lidars not only output wind speed, wind direction and turbulence intensity. Its precise and reliable wind data output reduces measurement uncertainty and meet the requirements to create a...
Programme overview: Compared with the onshore wind power, the offshore are more abundant in wind resources, weaker in wind turbulence intensity and wind shear, and less limit by the noise, landscape, birds, electromagnetic wave and other problems for wind farm construction. Therefore, offshore wind power has become the main target of wind power development in the future. The difficulties in the preliminary survey of offshore wind resources are mainly in the following aspects: adaptability to harsh marine...
Programme overview: In the preliminary assessment of wind resources, surveys, and refined site selection, the placement of lidar and power supply are issues that need to be carefully considered. The location should avoid deep valleys, cliffs and other highly turbulent terrain. Since there is usually no mains power supply during the measurement, solar cells, small wind turbines or fuel power sources are required for power supply. According to weather conditions such as heavy fog, the integrated wind speed deep...
Programme overview: The power characteristic curve of a wind turbine is the best technical index to measure the power generation capacity of a wind turbine. According to the IEC 61400-12-1 "Wind Turbine Power Characteristic Test" standard, the power curve test of a wind turbine requires the installation of a wind measurement tower in the main wind direction of the wind turbine under test. This brings certain inconvenience to the power curve test. The use of wind lidar to test the power characteristics of wind...
Programme overview: When the incoming wind passes through the rotating wind wheel, the wind speed decreases and the turbulence intensity increases downstream of the wind turbine, which is called the wake effect of the wind turbine. The wake effect has two main effects on the safe and efficient operation of wind turbines: 1) When the incoming wind speed of the wind turbine in the wake decreases, and the power of the wind turbine will decrease by 5%~40%; 2) When the turbulence intensity in the wake increases,...
Programme overview: The conventional wind profile monitoring is mainly based on multi beam inversion calculation. The premise of measurement is that the horizontal wind field is uniform, while the horizontal wind field on the underlying surface of mountainous and urban complex terrain is uneven, especially near the ground. Therefore, in the detection of complex underlying surface, complex algorithm is often used to eliminate the turbulent data. However, the virtual tower (VT) technology, based on the cooperative...
Programme overview: The energy of wind turbines comes from wind impellers, thus many technological transformations of wind turbines focus on improving the efficiency of wind impellers. The yaw error is a very common problem of the wind wheel efficiency. Because the wind turbine yaw is discontinuous, the error of the wind direction is not easy to be found, so the yaw error has been ignored.