1 products found
Rädlinger primus line GmbH Products
Technology - Liner
The liner is one of the two key components of Primus Line®. As an installation solution it serves the rehabilitate pressure pipes and stand-alone it functions as a robust flexible line. The ability to be self-supporting allows it to be used without impregnation, curing or gluing.
Primus Line - Model G-Liner - Trenchlessly Rehabilitate Gas Pipeplines and High Pressure Gas Pipelines
With its inner layer of low-permeability thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), the G-Liner ensures the safe operation of pressurised gas pipelines after trenchless rehabilitation. Primus Line® is referenced in DVGW VP 643 for the trenchless rehabilitation of gas high-pressure pipelines with operating pressures over 16 ...