5 services found
Renteknik Group Inc. Services
Commissioning Services
Building Commissioning Services
Renteknik is focused on maximizing energy efficiency to support Canada’s peak electricity shaving efforts and the drive towards near net-zero buildings. Through our “Bridge the Road to Change” Energy Management Plan, Renteknik can help companies integrate energy management strategies throughout every level of the corporation to help reduce unnecessary energy consumption and realize significant cost and energy ...
Energy Management Services
Electrical Sub-Metering Services
ELECTRICAL SUB-METERING allows building owners, landlords or property management firms, to bill tenants or occupants for individually measured electricity usage for HVAC, lighting, refrigeration, appliances and ...
Thermal Sub-Metering Services
Through THERMAL SUB-METERING building owners and property managers can track where and how heating and cooling energy is being used in their facilities and take control to reduce energy consumption or allocate costs accordingly to realize energy and cost ...
Energy Conservation
Building System Audit Services (BSA)
Building System Audit (BSA) is an Energy Audit intended to evaluate a building’s current operating System(s) and provide a detailed understanding of how the System is functioning including such components as Auxiliary Fans, Pumps, Compressors and Control Systems and associated Distribution ...
Detailed Lighting Audit Services
The Detailed Lighting Audit will include a systematic evaluation of the existing conditions within the building and a complete Lighting System performance analysis. Based on the data collected, Renteknik will provide a number of upgrade and/or replacement ...