Wash racks and wash water recovery systems are best-practice for pollution prevention. Riveer is a global manufacturer of wash racks, wash water filtration, cleaning solution reclamation and power washers. Riveer technology leads the washing and water recycling industry in ease of use, performance and efficiency. Riveer wash racks feature patented, low profile vehicle ingress, paired with our industrial strength solids removal and water filtration. Get rid of wash water, mud, debries safely and stay in compliance.

- riveer.com
- riveeraviation.com
- riveerpretreatment.com
- riveermilitary.com

Company details

233 Veterans Blvd , South Haven , Michigan 49090 USA
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Business Type:
Service provider
Industry Type:
Water and Wastewater
Market Focus:
Locally (one state or province)
Year Founded: