Industry runs on machinery. Bearings, pumps, electric motors, compressors, presses, gearboxes and much more. All of which can break unexpectedly, causing production to stop. When production stops your organization loses money.
Industrial plants require a lot of power to operate, and much like the machinery required for production, their electrical systems can also fail. When they do, the results pose tremendous threats to production and the safety of everyone within the facility. The same threats are immanent on the power production and distribution side.
Steam is an essential resource used in many industrial processes. Facilities using steam have a vast network of piping, valves, flanges, and steam traps designed to deliver clean, hot, pure, and efficient steam from the boiler room to its intended point of use. Within steam systems there exists constant flow and turbulence.
Valves play a crucial role in the transportation of gas, oil and water throughout your plant. They start and stop flow while also preventing backflow and regulating flow and pressure.