SEEC can provide complete services and assistance for realization of complex development and infrastructural projects of the region and broader. The main objective of SEEC is to help clients successfully manage natural, physical, economic and community resources in a sustainable way. SEEC can provide professional services ranging from project development to implementation based on the varying needs of our customers; from Pre-investment Studies (defining the best alternative in terms of technology, economy and environmental requirements) to Project Commissioning.

Company details

Makenzijeva 53/IV , Belgrade , Serbia 11000 Serbia
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Business Type:
Service provider
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Market Focus:
Internationally (various countries)
Year Founded:
more than 1,000,000,000 €

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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South East Europe Consultants (S.E.E.C.) Ltd. is Serbian’s leading energy consultancy providing wide range of services to South East Europe’s energy markets. Founded in September 2002. as 100% private Serbian company, until now has successfully completed more than 90 projects in area of energy. S.E.E.C. Ltd. is located in Belgrade, Serbia and has branch office in Podgorica, Montenegro.

Our main objective is to understand client needs, elaborate a specific execution plan, identify objectives, milestones, critical paths and issues, resources, etc. to enable the delivery of actionable recommendations to successfully manage natural, physical, economic and community resources in sustainable way. We aim to build positive and trusting relationships with all of our clients and to offer them the best energy consultancy services possible. We offer high standards of customer service and take pride in everything we do.

Core areas of our expertise are: Hydropower and Water Resources, Thermal Energy and Energy Efficiency, Electric Power Systems, Renewable Energy Sources, and Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning.

S.E.E.C. Ltd. maintains good cooperation with local and internationally reknowned companies, including consulting, engineering and manufacturing companies and organizations. Some of our long-term partners are: Fichtner GmbH (Germany), Lahmeyer International GmbH (Germany), Vattenfall Europe PowerConsult GmbH (Germany), CESI (Italy), ELC Electroconsult S.p.A (Italy), etc.

S.E.E.C. Ltd. offers its consultancy services to:

  • Public Authorities
  • Electric Power Utilities
  • Independent System Operators
  • Regulatory Bodies
  • Private Investors and
  • International Financial Institutions (EBRD, WB, IFC, EIB, KfW, IBRD, etc.).

Our highly specialized consultant experts and engineers, have extensive experience gained by involvement in national and international energy projects, and are very familiar with the energy situation in SEE Countries, particularly in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia. We are also completely familiar with energy related legislation in these countries and offer complete project management from the initial phase up to and including comissioning, as well as support during the initial operating phase. We are fully aware of procurement rules, preparation of tendering documents and contracting in accordance to the requirements of International Financial Institutions and have a great deal of experience in cooperating with them on various projects.

S.E.E.C. Ltd. applies the latest achievements of state-of-the-art information technologies, in terms of both system hardware and software. We also have application software, which has been specifically developed by our experts. These tools have been developed for internal purposes, to speed-up and improve the quality of work and results.

We presently have approximately 30 permanent employees and a number of associated experts, with whom we cooperate on regular basis. Our employees and associates are mostly engineers (mechanical, electrical, civil, etc.) with vast experience both in SEE Countries and worldwide.

Our consultants posses all the necessary licenses in their area of expertise.

S.E.E.C. Ltd. is regular member of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Serbia and our employees are active members of various energy related Societies and Associations (Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia, Association of Energy Sector Specialists, Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, …).

Dedication to the accomplishment of our vision and mission is demonstrating through the operational values based on the expectations of key-interest groups - our clients as users of our company operational results.

Achievement of permanent improvements is based on dedication of all employees to the following values:

  1. Correct and legal performance of business activities according to the expectations of our clients.
  2. Providing consulting services based on professional knowledge of our experts and researching methods.
  3. Business results orientation based on expectations of all interested sides.
  4. Permanent growing and training of our consulting team.
  5. Efficiency achievement through the systematic and innovative work style.
  6. Development, motivation and respecting of employees potentials, initiatives and ideas.
  7. Prompt reply based on flexible, marketing oriented company.
  8. Decisions making on the basis of the objective facts analysis.
  9. Development of the partnerships with external associates and companies of complementary activities.
  10. Responsible relation to the community and contributions to its development.