4 services found
Energy Efficiency Consulting
Energy efficiency describes the ratio of energy input and output which means doing more with less energy and increasing thus energy ...
Conventional Power Generation
SEEGER ENGINEERING AG provides all planning services for boiler plants and cogeneration units. We prepare overall concepts for heat and power supply including covering of redundancy and peak load. Plant dimensioning is always focused on highest efficiency and profitability regardless of whether the plant shall be integrated in an existing building or erected in a new building.SE AG is also your perfect partner with regard to the hydraulic and electrical ...
With more than 30 years of experience, SEEGER ENGINEERING AG offers its clients and partners a complete range of services for the following business areas: biomass heat and power plants, biomass heat plants, conventional energy production, pellet and briquette production plants, building services engineering (HVAC) as well as energy efficiency ...
Planning Services
SEEGER ENGINEERING AG offers all planning services for biomass heat plants, biomass heat and power plants, pellet and briquette production plants according to the Official Scale of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers so as to ensure smooth project ...