Energy Event Organizers Serving Africa For Waste And Recycling

7 companies found
  • Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A (IEG)
    Event organizer
    based in Rimini, ITALY

    For over 70 years IEG - Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A. - operates on the expo and conference market, in Italy with its venues in Rimini, Vicenza, Milan and Arezzo and abroad in the United States, United Arab Emirates, China, Mexico, Brazil, Germany ...

  • Elmia AB
    Event organizer
    based in JÖNKÖPING, SWEDEN

    At the Elmia venue - trade shows, events and meetings provide visitors, exhibitors and meeting organizers with qualitative networking possibilities and unforgettable experiences. World leading innovations, business development have evolved at Elmia ...

  • ICM AG
    Event organizer
    based in Birrwil, SWITZERLAND

    ICM is renowned as the only congress organiser with Steering Committees of international experts and almost 30 years of delivering a world-class experience to delegates. ICM AG is the international leader in circular economy congress organisation, ...

  • Eurowaste Srl
    Event organizer
    based in Padova, ITALY

    Activities undertaken by Eurowaste Srl are accessible to the Scientific Community worldwide in the form of support in the conception, organisation and realization international conferences, meetings, training courses and workshops. Eurowaste Srl is ...

  • We are proud of our people. We value the volunteer committee and the staff that make Pittcon a reality year after year; we celebrate the dedication of the educators, scientists, and students we support; and we admire our partners for the knowledge ...

  • Via Expo Ltd.
    Event organizer
    based in Plovdiv, BULGARIA

    Via Expo is a full service company in the field of organization of professional exhibitions, conferences, training seminars, business meetings, etc. It was established in 1992 in Bulgaria by Yoannis Liakatas – an expert with more than 40 years ...

  • Trans-Global Events Ltd.
    Event organizer
    based in Guildford, UNITED KINGDOM

    Trans-Global Events specialize in organising industry leading international B2B conferences and exhibitions, with a strong focus on creating a more sustainable, circular future through the use of next-generation technology, future design and ...

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