Energy Suppliers Serving Mongolia For Automobile & Ground Transport

352 companies found
  • CR Clean Air Group, LLC
    based in Parsippany, NEW JERSEY (USA)

    The mission of CR Clean Air Group is to provide its customers with the tools to address nearly any emissions challenge. Whether it is to meet required regulations, increase employee safety, recover valuable product, remove process impurities or ...

    CR Clean Air - Model PT74 - Packed Tower Gas Absorber

    CR Clean Air - Model PT74 - Packed Tower Gas Absorber

    Packed Tower Gas Absorber: The Clean Air Group, LLC Packed Tower Gas Absorber utilizes a vertical counter-current design for highly efficient absorption of a variety of toxic gases. In addition to its extensive uses in air pollution control, the ...

  • Optical Scientific Inc. (OSi)
    based in Gaithersburg, MARYLAND (USA)

    Optical Scientific, Inc. was founded in 1985. We are a research, development, engineering and manufacturing firm located in the I-270 high technology corridor outside of Washington, DC. OSI has been developing the worlds most advanced scintillation ...

  • Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection
    based in Arras Cedex, FRANCE

    Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection has brought together industry leading products from Detcon, Oldham Simtronics, GMI and select Scott Safety products to provide our customers with fixed-point and portable gas detectors and controllers with proven ...

  • EVALED - Evaporator - Veolia Water Technologies Italia Spa
    based in Zoppola (PN), ITALY

    EVALED Evaporators provide options for industrial wastewater volume and disposal costs reduction, water recycling and reuse, ZLD Zero Liquid Discharge, valuable matter recover. Industrial wastewater treatment allows for ZLD, water reuse, disposal ...

  • Intecna srl
    based in Mediglia (Ml), ITALY

    INTECNA was founded in 1992 by, Dr. Federico Rivalta based on his knowledge of production of fine chemicals and water treatments acquired during over 30 years of working with multinational companies and in over 50 countries. INTECNA has designed, ...

  • Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc.
    based in Milwaukee, WISCONSIN (USA)

    Anguil Provides Quality Engineered Environmental Equipment and Service Solutions That Solve Complex Industrial Air and Water Challenges. At their core, industrial air pollution control technologies capture pollutants and neutralize them so they ...

    Anguil - Reduced Energy Consumption - Heat Recovery System

    Anguil - Reduced Energy Consumption - Heat Recovery System

    Every energy demand is unique, as is every energy-efficiency improvement opportunity. At Anguil, our track record includes an ability to blend time-tested, standard products with innovative, custom engineered solutions. We design, manufacture, and ...

  • by Medit Inc.
    based in Winnipeg, MANITOBA (CANADA) is a North American-based one-stop resource of inspection cameras for various applications. It's operated by the MEDIT/STRAHL group of companies with its head office located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and the US operating branch ...

  • Jacobi Group
    based in Kalmar, SWEDEN

    Jacobi Group was founded in 1916 by Ferdinand Adolph Wilhelm Jacobi, today it is made up of three core business units (activated carbons, ion exchange resins and mobile filter units) to serve a wide range of customer needs. With manufacturing ...

  • LNI Swissgas
    based in Versoix, SWITZERLAND

    LNI is a multinational specialist in the marketing of premium gas generators for on-site gas production, premium gas mixers and premium gas calibrators. Products featuring renowned Swiss quality and precision, combined with Italian creativity and ...

  • Chromatotec Group
    based in Val de Virvée, FRANCE

    Chromatotec group develops, manufactures and sells scientific instrumentation since 1986. Exclusively designed and produced in France, our instruments are intended for the environmental, industrial and petrochemical markets : they are used for the ...

  • IMR Environmental Equipment, Inc.
    based in Saint Petersburg, FLORIDA (USA)

    IMR Environmental Equipment, Inc. has designed and manufactured combustion analyzers for over 35 years serving customers in 100+ countries around the world. All of our products are made in the USA. We are one of the leading manufacturers worldwide ...

    based in Furulund, SWEDEN

    OPSIS AB is engaged in the development, manufacture, marketing, sales, and service of monitoring equipment and software for monitoring air pollution in ambient air and for monitoring process and emissions gases in the industrial sector. OPSIS also ...

  • Environmental Products & Applications, Inc.
    based in La Quinta, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Environmental Products & Applications is the innovative leader for erosion and dust control products in the soil stabilization field. Our Envirotac line of acrylic copolymers are extremely effective in stabilizing all soil particles, creating ...

  • Creaform  - AMETEK, Inc
    based in Lévis, QUEBEC (CANADA)

    Founded in 2002 in Lévis (Québec, Canada), Creaform is a world-class leader in 3D measurement technology as well as 3D engineering services. We develop, manufacture and distribute portable and automated 3D scanning solutions to thousands of clients ...

    based in Poissy, FRANCE

    ENVEA manufactures high-precision monitoring systems as well as environmental data processing and reporting solutions with extensive knowledge in the development of complete turnkey solutions. We assist entities in complying with applicable ...

  • Sebright Products, Inc.
    based in Hopkins, MICHIGAN (USA)

    Sebright Products, Inc. and Bright Technologies, the specialty division of Sebright Products, designs manufactures, installs, and services industrial trash/refuse and recyclable waste handling equipment and equipment for dewatering, solidification ...

  • Atlantis Corporation International Pty Ltd.
    based in Chatswood, AUSTRALIA

    Since 1986 Atlantis has introduced innovative products that created industry standards in the landscape and rainwater sectors worldwide. We are the inventor of the Atlantis drainage cell and flat pack modular tanks that are in use in over 90 ...

  • Dutch Incinerators BV (DI)
    based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS

    Dutch Incinerators (DI) is an EPC contractor based in the Netherlands with more than 35 years of technical background and practical on-site experience in the hazardous waste thermal treatment industry. The company undertakes to design and deliver ...

  • Octaform Systems Inc.
    based in Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)

    Octaform began its life in 1997 as a novel alternative to conventional wall construction. Designed in Canada, the innovation was a stay-in-place concrete wall forming system that reduces energy consumption and extends the life of high-performance ...

  • OSEI - Oil Spill Eater International, Corp
    based in Dallas, TEXAS (USA)

    Since 1989, OSEI Corp is responsible for the clean up of over 70,000 spills. Our product focuses on speeding up mother nature and is environmentally friendly. Cleanup of spills including brackish water, ocean water, fresh water and even inter-tidal ...

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