Siemens AG

Siemens AG

3 software found

Siemens AG Software



    CD-adapco has been actively involved with in-cylinder analysis from its inception and there are many engines in production around the world today that have benefitted from detailed analysis using STAR-CD and es-ice. These range from the smallest motorcycle through car and truck engines to the largest stationary and marine engines. Designers of modern Internal Combustion engines face huge challenges to deliver power units which satisfy legislation and have ...

  • Battery Design Studio

    Battery Design Studio

    Battery Design Studio® is a unique tool that allows engineers to design battery cells, simulate performance, and analyse data from both simulation and test work. Battery Design Studio®, originally created by Battery Design Llc, has been evolving over the 15 years it has been available and it is now part of the CD-adapco stable of products. Combining CD-adapco's ever popular dedicated support model with this leading software in electrochemistry ...

  • SIDRIVE - IQ Fleet

    SIDRIVE - IQ Fleet

    For applications in the process industries, the MindSphere application SIDRIVE IQ Fleet enables you to visualize, analyze, and monitor low-voltage motors that are connected by the SIMOTICS CONNECT 400 connectivity ...