SIMEC Atlantis Energy

SIMEC Atlantis Energy

9 products found

SIMEC Atlantis Energy Products

  • Uskmouth Sustainable Energy Park

    Uskmouth Sustainable Energy Park

    SAE is the owner of the land, grid connection, infrastructure and existing power station at the Uskmouth site in Newport, South Wales. SAE is working to transition the Uskmouth site into a sustainable energy park, with the potential to deliver c.1GW of Battery Energy Storage System (“BESS”) already ...

  • AR Series

  • Model AR2000 - Tidal Generation System

    Model AR2000 - Tidal Generation System

    Atlantis and GE have already been working in partnership since September 2018 on the development and performance validation of Atlantis’ AR2000 tidal generation system, which is expected to be the world’s largest and most powerful single axis turbine available. This record-breaking system is expected to be deployed on future phases of Atlantis’ iconic MeyGen Project in Scotland, the wider Atlantis project pipeline and will also be ...

  • Lockheed Martin - Model AR1500 - Tidal Power Turbine Systems

    Lockheed Martin - Model AR1500 - Tidal Power Turbine Systems

    The AR1500 is a Lockheed Martin designed, 1.5MW horizontal axis turbine complete with active pitch and yaw capability. The nacelle weighs approximately 150 tonnes in air and has a design life of 25 years. The rotor diameter is 18 meters and all key operational systems have triple redundancy built in to maximise reliability ...

  • Meygen Sustainable Energy Park

    Meygen Sustainable Energy Park

    We are exploring the opportunity to collocate our world leading tidal stream project alongside storage solutions. Given our experience and expertise gained at Uskmouth Energy Park we think there is an exciting opportunity to deliver tidal and storage at one site. To combine the ...

  • SeaGen

  • SeaGen - Model U - 1.5MW Horizontal Axis Turbine

    SeaGen - Model U - 1.5MW Horizontal Axis Turbine

    SeaGen U is a 1.5MW horizontal axis turbine complete with an active pitch system taken from the SeaGen-S series development, and yaw capability from the AR1500. The full turbine weighs approximately 150 tonnes in air and has a design life of 25 years. The rotor diameter is 20 meters and all key operational systems have redundancy built in to maximise reliability ...

  • SeaGen - Model S/F - 1.0MW Horizontal Axis Turbine

    SeaGen - Model S/F - 1.0MW Horizontal Axis Turbine

    The SeaGen system designed for floating or surface piercing foundations is an up to 1.0MW horizontal axis turbine complete with an active pitch. The full turbine weighs approximately 100 tonnes in air and has a design life of 25 years. Rotor diameter can be provided to suit the deployment and system redundancy plus accessibility combine to maximise reliability ...

  • Others

  • Tidal Stream Energy

    Tidal Stream Energy

    Tidal stream energy presents one of the most exciting emerging forms of renewable energy. Tidal streams, unlike many other forms of renewable energy, are a consistent source of kinetic energy caused by regular tidal cycles influenced by the phases of the moon. Intermittency is a problem for wind, wave and solar power as the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. These sources of renewable energy often require backup from ...

  • Uskmouth - Power Station

    Uskmouth - Power Station

    Consultation before Applying for Planning Permission: Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 as amended by The Planning Applications (Temporary Modifications and Disapplication) (Wales) (Coronavirus) Order 2020. The Uskmouth Power Station Conversion Project (referred to as the Uskmouth Conversion Project) proposes to convert the existing coal fired power plant at Uskmouth Power Station to operate as a plant which ...

  • Tidal Turbines

    Tidal Turbines

    Tidal turbines are very much like underwater windmills except the rotors are driven by consistent, fast-moving currents. The submerged rotors harness the power of the marine currents to drive generators, which in turn produce electricity. Water is 832 times denser than air and consequently tidal turbine rotors are much smaller than wind turbine rotors and therefore can be deployed much closer together and still generate equivalent amounts of ...