Snam SPA

Snam SPA

3 products found

Snam SPA Products

  • Model 100-300 KW - Small Biogas Plants

    Model 100-300 KW - Small Biogas Plants

    To profit by becoming energy producers is the tangible proposal that IES BIOGAS makes to small and medium-sized livestock farms. Even yours. Today and right away. You don't need to have huge plants, as biogas plants are more contained, today more than ever, and have high efficiency and greater development. IES BIOGAS has called them MiTO. They range from 100 to 300 ...

  • Model 300 - 1000 KW - Biogas Plants

    Model 300 - 1000 KW - Biogas Plants

    The 300 to 1,000 kW plants are suitable for medium to large agricultural and agro-livestock farms, or that take advantage of sewage, waste, and agricultural by-products from other farms as ...

  • Model 1000 KW - Large Biogas Plants

    Model 1000 KW - Large Biogas Plants

    Large biomass plants with over 1,000 kW in power are certainly a choice of great perspective in the field of alternative energy and environmentally friendly waste treatment. Their popularization, of course, is not yet high. Suitable for extremely large size situations, as large estates, cooperative associations, and consortia with public participation, they work in a similar way to the lower scale plants. They of course involve a more detailed logistics ...