Solar Turbines Incorporated

Solar Turbines Incorporated

Solar Turbines Incorporated Industries

  • Commercial

  • Power generation solutions for commercial buildings sector - Commercial

    Power generation solutions for commercial buildings sector

    Higher reliability. Increased efficiency. Reduced costs. Solar offers power solutions that meet the needs of commercial industries. Some of our commercial industry clients saved so much that they were able to pay back the entire initial investment of their new Solar solution after just a few years. More than 1500 Solar customers have turned to Combined Heat and Power (CHP) / Cogeneration in order to save money and reduce their carbon footprint.  Not only are these commercial customers cutting their plant...

  • Power Distribution

  • Power generation solutions for electric power needs - Energy - Power Distribution

    Power generation solutions for electric power needs

    Why are utilities turning to Combined Heat and Power (CHP) / Cogeneration? Generate Power: Fulfill the rapidly growing power demands. Environmentally Friendly: Capture and utilize steam that is traditionally wasted and minimize carbon footprint. CHP Resiliency: Handle grid disruptions from outages and storms. Lower Electricity Rates: Provide electricity at a lower cost.

  • Steel

  • Power generation solutions for steel product gases sector - Metal - Steel

    Power generation solutions for steel product gases sector

    Solar Turbines has unique experience with steel gases with dozens of coke oven gas (COG) fired gas turbines packages in combined cycle or cogeneration plants installed from 2006, reaching 1,000,000 operating hours in the first decade. The lessons learned from this experience, relating to the availability and reliability of the COG fleet, eventually validated the technical solution implemented for the Solar COG gas turbines packages. Along the steel manufacturing process, various secondary fuel gases, sometimes...

  • Maritime

  • Power Generation Solutions for Marine Power Sector - Shipbuilding & Water Transport - Maritime

    Power Generation Solutions for Marine Power Sector

    Solar Turbines provides best-in-class energy solutions with turbomachinery for power generation. In the marine industry, our wide range of solutions will maximize availability, reliability and value throughout the life of your vessel`s propulsion system.

  • Energy

  • Manufacturing, Other

  • Power generation solutions for ceramic production sector - Manufacturing, Other

    Power generation solutions for ceramic production sector

    The ceramic industry demands enormous amounts of energy for the drying processes of various material, including clay, glass, brick, tiles and fixtures. The best way to improve the efficiency of ceramic manufacturing is to connect a gas turbine to the spray dryer, providing heat along with electrical power for the facility.

  • University / Academia / Research

  • Power generation solutions for institutional sector - University / Academia / Research

    Power generation solutions for institutional sector

    Solar serves the institutional industries with a variety of gas turbine and energy solutions, including: Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Base-load Electricity, Distributed Power, Combined Cycle, Peak Shaving, District Heating/Cooling, Mobile Power, Standby Power.

  • Pulp & Paper

  • Power generation solutions for pulp and paper production industry - Pulp & Paper

    Power generation solutions for pulp and paper production industry

    The pulp and paper industry requires large amounts of power and heat in forms of hot air and steam. Solar’s best pulp and paper energy solutions use gas turbine-based cogeneration, better known as Combined Heat and Power (CHP). Cogeneration and CHP installations can reduce our customers’ carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption in pulp and paper production. Estimate your annual operatings savings for your plant using our value estimating tool.

  • Renewable Energy

  • Food and Beverage

  • Power generation solutions for food and beverage industry - Food and Beverage

    Power generation solutions for food and beverage industry

    Solar Turbines provides energy solutions with our gas turbines for power generation, and has extensive experience in the food and beverage industry. Our cogeneration products will increase reliability, efficiency and uptime, avoiding production downtime for your brewery, distillery or food processing plant. With the purchase of our products, Solar offers lifecycle support with one of our Long-Term Service options. Using...

  • Conventional Energy

  • Oil, Gas & Refineries

  • Power Generation Solutions for Refinery Gases Sector - Oil, Gas & Refineries

    Power Generation Solutions for Refinery Gases Sector

    Solar Turbines’ modular, industrial gas turbines can integrate combined heat and power (CHP) allowing significant energy efficiency improvement. Refineries and petrochemical plants have the need to become integrated, energy efficient and sustainable. One benefit of the gas turbine solution is that streams can be used independently or blended together when the refinery production varies, and various gas producers/consumers come online or offline. This capability enables customers to reduce flaring and...