Spacewell Energy (Dexma)

Spacewell Energy (Dexma)

12 News & Press Releases found

Spacewell Energy (Dexma) News

  • Dexma Grows by 20% and Consolidates with more than 10,000 Customers in 35 Countries

    Dexma Grows by 20% and Consolidates with more than 10,000 Customers in 35 Countries

    Dexma, provider of energy management solutions for buildings, retail and industry, expects to close the year with a turnover of 4.3 million euros, a figure that represents an increase of 20% over the previous year. The Catalan company, which since ...

  • Shaping Energy Efficiency: Nemetschek Group Brand Spacewell Helps Tackle the Energy Crisis

    Shaping Energy Efficiency: Nemetschek Group Brand Spacewell Helps Tackle the Energy Crisis

    The Nemetschek Group, a leading global provider of software for the digital transformation in the construction and media industries, is driving a more sustainable building management. It is responding to the energy crisis with the solution Spacewell ...

  • How aM&T Software Can Help You Get ISO 50001 Certified

    Are you considering obtaining your ISO 50001 certificate? Or maybe one of your clients is about to start on their first energy management adventure? Congratulations! ISO 50001 is a great standard to implement if you want to establish a ...

  • 10 Smart Energy Startups Worth Watching in 2017

    “Tomorrow’s energy is decentralised, decarbonised and digital,” says Rockstart Smart Energy Accelerator Director Freerk Bisschop. As an energy professional, staying updated with the latest industry trends also means ...

  • Will blockchain reinvent energy use? Yes, if it’s up to Sharge

    The kids at Sharge made quite the splash yesterday when Forbes added them to their prestigious Top 30 Under 30 list of promising entrepreneurs. In addition to offering a hearty congratulations to those brilliant young upstarts, ...

  • 5 Reasons to Participate in the 2017 Energy Efficiency Survey

    It’s our second year performing the annual DEXMA Energy Efficiency Survey, with the main aim of understanding your energy innovation challenges and exploring new opportunities to help make your work as energy managers easier and simpler. ...

  • Energy Grader Giveaway: Submit Now & Win!

    And just like that, the holidays are upon us! December means the weather is getting frightful, but we know why you energy managers are really starting to sweat: this is the special time of year when your clients’ energy costs typically ...

  • #GivingTuesday: 5 powerful non-profit energy initiatives

    #GivingTuesday is all about the power of giving, so today we are focusing on the giving of power – to address the growing problem of fuel poverty, that is. Fuel poverty is defined by the Warm Homes and Energy Conservation act ...

  • The Cities Seeking a Natural Gas Phase Out - Webinar

    Not only is natural gas for power generation becoming increasingly expensive – with prices projected to rise further through to 2020 in the UK – but for geopolitical and environmental reasons, some cities are beginning to question ...

  • How to Automate Energy Budgeting and Forecasting [Webinar]

    The end of the year is just around the corner, and all energy managers know what that means: planning next year’s energy budget while ensuring the current year’s books are balanced so 2017 can be started afresh. But what happens when ...

  • Energy Grader is a #SmartCATChallenge finalist

    Energy Grader, our innovative online app that calculates your energy savings potential, will be presented today during the final round of the #SmartCATChallenge app competition. Energy Grader reaches final stage in SmartCAT Challenge app ...

  • Why You Need an Open API for Energy Data

    It’s almost 2017, and by now smart meters are probably flooding your utility with zetabytes of data. Fantastic, right? But wait – that data deluge is totally worthless if you don’t do anything with it! An open API for ...