Spanish Bioenergy Association (AVEBIOM)

Spanish Bioenergy Association (AVEBIOM)

Spanish Bioenergy Association (AVEBIOM)

Our associates are companies obtaining, transforming, supplying or consuming biomass, as well as other key actors participating in the biomass promotion and growth like technology centres or other organisations. Our industry company and industry members develop their business in: Producing equipment: Boilers and stoves, Auxiliary equipments, Forestry equipment, equipment for industrial plants (pelletisers, mills, conveyors). Providing services: ESCO, installers, biomass transformation and supply, engineering, EPS companies, biomass handling. Producing biofuels: pellet producers, liquid biofuels and biogas producers. Consuming: ESCos, Electric generation plants. Promoting projects: all kind of stakeholders.

Company details

c/ Panaderos nº 58bis, entreplanta , Valladolid , 47004 Spain
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Business Type:
Professional association
Industry Type:
Market Focus:
Internationally (various countries)