Spilling Energie Systeme GmbH

Spilling Energie Systeme GmbH

Spilling Energie Systeme GmbH Industries

  • Solar Energy

  • Spilling Equipment for Combined Heat and Power Industry - Energy - Solar Power

    Spilling Equipment for Combined Heat and Power Industry

    Spilling steam engines and back pressure turbines are always used in process and heating steam systems, when the pressure difference between the boiler plant and consumers is to be used for extracting mechanical or electrical power

  • Bioenergy

  • Spilling Equipment for Biomass Power Industry - Energy - Bioenergy

    Spilling Equipment for Biomass Power Industry

    Spilling steam engines and steam turbines have proven themselves as prime movers for smaller and medium-sized biomass power generation plants in industry and regional power supply. They are preferably operated as combined heat and power plants.

  • Waste to Energy