344 Books found
Springer-Verlag GmbH Books
Advanced Combustion and Aerothermal Technologies
The NATO ARW Advanced Combustion and Aerothermal Technologies: Environmental Protection and Pollution Reductions, was held in Kiev, May 2006. The workshop was Co-Directed by Profs. N. Syred and A.Khalatov, winners of the NATO Scientific Prize 2002, and was organizaed by the Institute of Thermophysics (Ukraine) and Cardiff University, UK. The primary Workshop objectives were to assess the existing knowledge on advanced combustion and aerothermal ...
Advanced Combustion and Aerothermal Technologies
The NATO ARW Advanced Combustion and Aerothermal Technologies: Environmental Protection and Pollution Reductions, was held in Kiev, May 2006. The workshop was Co-Directed by Profs. N. Syred and A.Khalatov, winners of the NATO Scientific Prize 2002, and was organizaed by the Institute of Thermophysics (Ukraine) and Cardiff University, UK. The primary Workshop objectives were to assess the existing knowledge on advanced combustion and aerothermal ...
Agent-Based Models of Energy Investment Decisions
As societies face the challenge of securing an efficient and environmentally sound energy supply, researchers have strived to determine the future development of energy consumption, infrastructure and technology endowment. This book proposes a new agent-based approach to studying the development of urban energy systems. Decisions of private and commercial investors and operators are modeled using a bounded rational decision model which are ...
An Energy Analysis of Household Consumption
The book takes a socio-economic approach to analyzing the energy system and energy consumption in India from a household perspective. In doing so, it views households as the ultimate end-consumers and estimates and analyzes the direct and indirect energy requirements of household consumption, both at an aggregate national level as well as for individuals or groups of households. In addition, the work incorporates two crucial aspects often ...
Applied Mathematics for Restructured Electric Power Systems
Applied Mathematics for Restructured Electric Power Systems: Optimization, Control, and Computational Intelligence consists of chapters based on work presented at a National Science Foundation workshop organized in November 2003. The theme of the workshop was the use of applied mathematics to solve challenging power system problems. The areas included control, optimization, and computational intelligence. In addition to the introductory chapter, ...
Applied Partial Differential Equations:
The book presents topics of science and engineering, which occur in nature or are part of our daily lives. It describes phenomena which are modelled by partial differential equations, relating to physical variables like mass, velocity and energy, etc. to their spatial and temporal variations. Typically, these equations are highly nonlinear, in many cases they are also vectorial systems, and they represent a challenge even for the most modern and ...
Approaching Transnationalisms
The term 'transnationalism' has gained considerable academic and popular currency despite a lack of clear definitions, in part because its overall form changes as its influence incorporates additional spheres of daily life on a variety of scales and contexts. The purpose of this volume is to bring together different perspectives on this phenomenon, using case studies that represent some of the most current thinking on 'transnationalism' in a ...
Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks
Atmospheric ice takes a wide range of fascinating forms, all beautiful in their own ways but many posing severe risk to the security of overhead networks for electric power, communications and other systems. This comprehensive book documents the fundamentals of atmospheric icing and surveys the state of the art in eight chapters, each written by a team of experienced and internationally renowned experts. The treatment is detailed and richly ...
Atmospheric Methane
Methane is an important greenhouse gas that can cause global warming. The present concentrations of methane are nearly three times higher than several hundred years ago. Today, more than 60% of the atmospheric methane comes from human activities, including rice agriculture, coal mining, natural gas usage, biomass burning, and raising of cattle. Methane affects the stratospheric ozone layer and the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere, which in ...
Environmental and political concerns are generating a growing interest in alternative engine fuels such as biodiesel. Biodiesel is a renewable energy source produced from natural oils and fats, which can be used as a substitute for petroleum diesel without the need for diesel engine modification. In addition to being biodegradable and non-toxic, biodiesel is also essentially free of sulfur and aromatics, producing lower exhaust emissions than ...
With the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels and growing concerns regarding climate changes due to green house gasses from these fuels, public opinion has swung dramatically towards favoring the development of renewable energy sources. In Biofuels: Methods and Protocols, career-long experts explore a full range of methods for bioenergy covering important topics such as biomass production and delivery to the biorefinery, detailed biochemical ...
J.M. Otero, G. Panagiotou, L. Olsson: Fueling Industrial Biotechnology Growth with Bioethanol.- M. Galbe, G. Zacchi: Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Materials for Efficient Bioethanol Production.- R.P. Chandra, R. Bura, W.E. Mabee, A. Berlin, X. Pan, J.N. Saddler: Substrate Pretreatment: The Key to Effective Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosics?- S.T. Merino, J. Cherry: Progress and Challenges in Enzyme Development of Biomass Utilization.- ...
Biofuel is a renewable energy source produced from natural (biobased) materials, which can be used as a substitute for petroleum fuels. The benefits of biofuels over traditional fuels include greater energy security, reduced environmental impact, foreign exchange savings, and socioeconomic issues related to the rural sector. Furthermore, biofuel technology is relevant to both developing and industrialized countries. For these reasons, the share ...
Biofuels for Road Transport
Biofuels for Road Transport: A Seed to Wheel Perspective provides a review of the history, the current status and perspectives for biofuels used in road transport, across the full ‘seed-to-wheel’ life cycle of these fuels. Successive chapters cover the history of biofuels; the first- and second-generation liquid fuels and biofuels for powering electric vehicles; fossil fuel replacement, land requirement, greenhouse gas balances and environmental ...
Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems
With shortages of fossil energy, especially oil and natural gas, and heavy biomass energy use occurring in both developed and developing countries, a major focus has developed worldwide on renewable energy systems. Renewable energy systems include wind power, biomass, photovoltaics, hydropower, solar thermal, thermal ponds, and biogas. Currently, a heavy focus is on biofuels made from crops, such as corn, sugarcane, and soybeans, for use as ...
The modern world is facing three critical problems: high fuel prices, climate change, and air pollution. Biohydrogen: For Future Engine Fuel Demands covers the production, purification, storage, pipeline transport, usage, and safety of biohydrogen. Hydrogen promises to be the most significant fuel source of the future, due to its global availability and the fact that water is its only by-product. Biofuels such as bioethanol, biodiesel, bio-oil, ...
Industrial biorefineries have been identified as the most promising routes to the creation of a bio-based economy. Partial biorefineries already exist in some energy crop, forest-based, and lignocellulosic product facilities. Biorefineries: For Biomass Upgrading Facilities examines the variety of different technologies which integrated bio-based industries use to produce chemicals; biofuels; food and feed ingredients; biomaterials; and power ...
Blast Waves
The primary purpose of this text is to document many of the lessons that have been learned during the author’s more than forty years in the field of blast and shock. The writing therefore takes on an historical perspective, in some sense, because it follows the author’s experience. The book deals with blast waves propagating in fluids or materials that can be treated as fluids. It begins by distinguishing between blast waves and the more general ...
Bringing the Sun Down to Earth
Bringing the Sun Down to Earth is intended for teachers, students, and anyone who wants to understand their environment. It provides a unique perspective to monitoring the role of the sun and Earth’s atmosphere in maintaining our planet as a place hospitable to advanced life as we understand it. The book first presents some science background about the sun and Earth’s atmosphere and then describes the kinds of measurements that can be made with ...
Carbon and Its Domestication
Carbon is chemically versatile and is thus the body and soul of biological, geological, ecological and economic systems. Its appropriation by humans through diversion of its biogeochemical cycle has been a mainstay of development. This domestication is characterized by a number of thresholds: control of fire, development of agriculture, expansion of Europe, fossil-fuel use and biotechnology. All have exacted an environmental toll, not least ...