SYPOX enables chemistry without furnaces or fuel combustion. Our technology combines electric heating and catalysis to power chemical processes with renewable energy.

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Am Waldrand 3 , Freising , 85354 Germany
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Internationally (various countries)
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This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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SYPOX was founded with a singular vision – to electrify the chemical industry. Read about our story, and where we will go.

SYPOX was founded in 2021 and is currently based in Freising, Germany. We are an international team working full-time to launch the series production of SYPOX reactors by the beginning of 2025.

Our Story to Date
Since our incorporation in 2021, we have achieved many important milestones. Starting from a 500 W test rig, we had scaled-up by a factor of 50 by mid-2022 (TRL 5) and will achieve scale up by another order of magnitude before the end of 2023 (TRL 7).

We will achieve TRL 8 and market entry readiness by middle of 2024, when we build the first full-scale 6 MW e-SMR. Serial production of SYPOX technology will start with the beginning of 2025.