Technopa GmbH

Technopa GmbH

Technopa GmbH

The management of Technopa consists of experienced professionals from the alternative energy and waste-to-energy sectors. In the search for newer and newer challenges we recognized that steam, this miraculous natural phenomenon, is massively misused in several industries and trades. We understood that the utilization of wasted steam is a beneficial, environmental-friendly and profitable activity. It reduces carbon footprint, it reduces the use of fossil energy carriers, it utilizes wasted energies that had never been used before. Our S2E steam microturbines had been developed by eminent scientists and practical minded engineers in a long research and testing procedure to suit even the most demanding steam situations to make electricity from previously misspent powers.

Company details

Hietzinger Hauptstr. 50 , Vienna , 1130 Austria
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We serve the most different industries, like pulp and paper, tire production, petrochemical refineries, textile industry, breweries, district heating, just to name a few from a long list of trades, where still there are immense possibilities to optimize the usage of valuable steam.

We produce an ultimate solution for wet steam and fluctuating steam conditions, where the traditional blade turbines cannot be deployed. The use of the S2E steam microturbine as a rotating reducer is perhaps the most important aspect its basic application possibilities. We by-pass the existing pressure reduction valves or system and while our product reduces the pressure instead of the PRV, it produces valuable electricity what one can use either to sell to the grid or in captive consumption. But our S2E steam microturbines give several solutions in case of flash steam situations as well, or they work as “prime movers” to move rotating equipment like ventilation or pumps.

We are devoted to produce and install these microturbines to more and more industries. Statistical data show that all over the world one third of the steam energy is wasted. We are glad to assist to stop this misuse of steam. We are glad that you, dear Customer, will gain substantial benefits by installing a new Technopa device. The maintenance costs are low, the lifetime of the equipment is long, the extra electricity incomes are substantial.

We at Technopa are proud to have such a unique solution for the steam utilizing industries. Let us share our experience with you, let us be successful together! Do not lose steam anymore.