Thermal Energy Products Inc. (TEP)

Thermal Energy Products Inc. (TEP)

3 products found

Thermal Energy Products Inc. (TEP) Products

  • TEP - Steam or Gas Turbines

    TEP - Steam or Gas Turbines

    Steam or gas turbines are the heart of the industrial power generation facilities. TEP has the experience to handle these temperature critical applications, often operating at 1000 degrees F. or higher. Multi-piece, double layer, and staggered joint design must be used on these large surface areas to prevent heat transfer at the joints. Utilizing the 3E NAIMA heat loss program, we can design insulation blankets to meet specific surface temperature or BTU/ ...

  • TEP - Pumps

    TEP - Pumps

    Pumps requiring insulation are a prime candidate for the application of removable/reusable insulation covers. Various pump types come in an array of configurations, making them difficult to insulate conventionally. Should the pump require heat tracing (whether electrical or steam), TEP has the cost-effective insulation solution for applications that require removal and ...

  • TEP - Aluminum and Fabric Jacketed Insulation Covers

    TEP - Aluminum and Fabric Jacketed Insulation Covers

    TEP, Inc fabricates both aluminum and fabric jacketed insulation covers installed on ball joints, tubes and piping components for some of the world's largest solar plants. We utilize specialized metal forming and cad-cam cutting machines to mass produce these specialized ...