Tnemec Company, Inc.

Tnemec Company, Inc.

Tnemec Company, Inc.

Tnemec Company, Inc. specializes in protecting surfaces and structures from corrosion with high-performance coatings and linings. However, we know our customers equally value the protection our coatings and linings provide to their investments, their reputation, and their clients. Since developing our line of fluoropolymer finishes in early 2000, Tnemec topcoat technology has reduced the need for clear coats and four-coat coating systems, helping decrease application time, lower labor costs and increase the life cycle of structures around the world.

Company details

6800 Corporate Drive , Kansas City , MO 64120 USA
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Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)
Year Founded:
$100,000,000 US - $1,000,000,000 US