3 products found
Turboden S.p.A Products
Turboden - Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) System
The ORC unit is a system based on a closed-loop thermodynamic cycle for the generation of electric and thermal power, especially suitable for distributed generation. ORC systems can generate electric and thermal power exploiting multiple sources, such as renewables (biomass, geothermal energy, solar energy), traditional fuels and waste heat from industrial processes, waste incinerators, engines or gas ...
Turboden - Large Heat Pumps (LHP)
Large Heat Pumps (LHP) are utility-scale heating plants that allow to transfer large quantities of heat from a colder source to a higher temperature heat user, like a district heating network or an industrial ...
Turboden - Gas Expander
Turboden gas expander is a solution to enhance the energy efficiency of a natural gas network infrastructure, producing electricity by taking advantage of the reduction of gas pressure from the delivery level to the one required by users, be they residential or ...