10 News & Press Releases found
UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) News
New UKERC & ETI marine energy roadmap says sector should aim to half costs by end of decade
A new roadmap developed by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) has identified the research and development areas that need to be addressed to make marine energy cost competitive with other energy ...
Is the Uk getting better at predicting future energy costs?
A new report published today by the UK Energy Research Centre`s Technology and Policy Assessment (TPA) function asks why the cost of generating electricity in the UK has continued to rise, and why we keep getting it wrong when it comes to predicting ...
New UKERC research defines values which determine public acceptance of energy system change
The values and factors that influence people when deciding whether to accept or reject changes to the energy system are revealed for the very first time at the launch of a new report at the Royal Society today. The findings of the study, funded by ...
Forty per cent of remaining gas may be `unconventional`
According to new research, which builds on a recent report by UKERC on `unconventional` gas for the European Commission, 40 per cent of the world`s remaining gas resources could come from unconventional sources such as shale gas. However, the study ...
UKERC creates new online guide to critical materials
The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) today launches a new guide highlighting the availability of materials that are critical components in low carbon energy technologies. In recent years concern has grown regarding the availability of a host of ...
Green Deal must ‘sell` energy efficiency as way of improving domestic life - or take up won`t happen
Call for clearer ‘value proposition` ahead of Monday launch - as findings reveal no great appetite for energy efficiency A key assumption behind the Green Deal - that once market barriers are removed, there will be a flood of demand from UK ...
UKERC responds to the DECC announcement on shale gas exploration
The statement today by Energy and Climate Secretary Edward Davey relates to the specific issue of reducing the seismic risk associated with shale gas drilling, it should not be interpreted as a green light for wide spread commercial development of ...
Expert commentary on the Gas Generation Strategy
The UK government published its Gas Generation Strategy yesterday, announcing the building of new gas-fired power stations to stimulate investment in gas generation and ensure security of supply. The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) is pleased to ...
UKERC responds to energy bill, published today
The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) has responded to the publication of today’s Energy Bill by welcoming the principle of long-run, fixed price contracts for low carbon generation, and the agreement on the new levy control framework, but ...
UK Energy Research Centre responds to DECC announcement on Energy Bill
Today’s announcement about the Energy Bill is welcomed in that it provides confirmation of the Government’s commitment to meet the emission reduction and renewables targets to 2020. The decision not to include a 2030 electricity ...