U.S. Freedom Bio Fuels, LLC

U.S. Freedom Bio Fuels, LLC

U.S. Freedom Bio Fuels, LLC

U.S. Freedom Bio Fuels is a 10 year old manufacturer of Biodiesel Processing Equipment for the Commercial End-user. US Freedom Bio Fuels, LLC was formed May 2008 by John Harrod. We started out by testing every kind biodiesel kit available from the very basic cone bottom tank style now best known for causing fires, to the more sophisticated water wash systems, and even the extremely expensive and unbelievably slow processor with the shiny stainless steel skin.

Company details

1024 Western Ave , Mosinee , Wisconsin 54455 USA
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Nationally (across the country)
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This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
Please, visit the following links for more info:

Biodiesel Production Equipment For The Commercial End User.

Dear Diesel Owner,

12 years ago I began searching for a commercial biodiesel processor so we could make our own fuel to keep our diesel equipment running in the face of rising fuel prices. I spent over $50,000 buying and trying every processor I could find. I tried Fuel Meister, Bio Pro, Green World, Taylor, 123, Freedom Fueler, and a couple of others that I can’t remember, and one that I will NEVER forget, Diesel Secrets. I found out first hand on the back of a tow truck the “secret”. It doesn’t work!

I felt that if this was the best America had to offer for Biodiesel Processing equipment, there was a huge opportunity for a company that builds equipment that was simple to use, and produced consistent high quality ASTM Specification Biodiesel Fuel.

That was the birth of U S Freedom Biofuels in the spring of 2008.

Today we have our equipment producing Biodiesel in 61 Countries with consistency and quality; using feedstocks from Waste Cooking Oil, Palm Oil, Jatropha, Camelina, Animal Fats, Canola, Soybean, Sunflower, Peanut, Castor Oil, Mink Oil, Fish Oil, and the list goes on and on. You see, Biodiesel can be made from any plant or animal based oil and fat, so the supply of feedstock is endless.

Our Biodiesel Processors come in a variety of sizes and options to match your production requirements and feedstock.

Give yourself the competitive edge with U S Freedom Bio Fuels Biodiesel Equipment; add our optional Freedom Methanol Recovery System you will be producing your own Fuel for $0.61 per gallon. Let’s pretend you need 500 gallons of diesel fuel per week to run your business. At current diesel fuel rates, that would save you $1250 per week, or $65,000 your first year!

Here's A Live Chart of Crude Oil Prices.

If you’re controlling your fuel cost by producing your own biofuel and your competitors aren’t, who wins? And I bet you can think a dozen ways to spend the extra new found $65,000 of profit.

It’s much easier to run your business when you know what your energy cost will be month to month.

Making your own fuel has become our passion and mission. We're on a mission to reduce our National dependency on fossil oil at the grass roots level, and give local businesses a competitive edge in today’s economy.

Stop the uncertainty, stop the roller coaster ride. Don’t be held hostage by fuel prices, and the oil speculators - get all your questions answered, visit our manufacturing facility, call us, we look forward to speaking with you. Then put an end to your Fuel Cost Roller Coaster Ride Forever!

Oh yes, I even purchased the secret, what a joke! I was able to drive my Duramax 15 miles, before the check engine light came on and another 5 before I had to call the wrecker service.

$50,000 of disappointment, and that figure was just the processing equipment we purchased; add to that another $12,000 in repairs from running all the poor quality fuel.

The bottom line, nothing worked as promised. Quality was all over the board, water washing was creating terrible results, processing was SLOW! Imagine trying to run a construction company with 50 gallons of poor quality fuel a day. I had read that Europe was more than a decade ahead of the U.S. in biodiesel research and processing. The answer, travel to Europe and tour some biodiesel production plants in successful operation. With over 60% of all diesel fuel in Europe being biodiesel, they must be doing it right!

I was impressed with what I saw, and immediately went to work on our own commercial biodiesel processor using everything I learned from Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, and the UK.

In 2008 we built and perfected our own automated biodiesel processor. With minimal hands on effort, we were producing 450 gallons of fuel in 8 hours. The quality, one of my major issues was consistent. No more check engine lights, no more water in fuel warning lights, no more wrecker bills, and repair bills. And best of all, we were making our own fuel for 80 cents per gallon, and no longer sending American dollars to countries who want to destroy us.

Our biodiesel kits are batch processors, capable of doing multiple steps on different batches simultaneously. For example, you can be processing batch 2 de/watering and pre-heating batch 3 all while batch 1 is going through the Freedom Dry Wash Tower, this maximizes efficiency.

We set out to build a biodiesel processor that could run all day without stopping and with minimal supervision. Imagine 450 gallons of fuel every 8 hours, with only 2 ½ hours of total labor required. Our processor can handle a wide variety of feed stock from waste vegetable oil to animal fat from beef, pork, sheep, chicken, fish, whale, mink, and any other triglyceride oil you can think of. And seed oil from corn, soybean, rape seed, camelina, palm, peanut, and well you get the idea, the list goes on and on.

Give yourself the competitive edge; with our optional Freedom Methanol Recovery System you will be producing your own Biodiesel Fuel for $0.51 per gallon. Let’s pretend you need 500 gallons of diesel fuel per week to run your business. At current diesel fuel rates, that would save you $1700 per week, or $81,600 your first year!

If you’re controlling your fuel cost by producing your own biodiesel and your competitors aren’t, who wins? I bet you can think a dozen ways to spend the extra new found $81,600 of profit.