Ventilone sarl

Ventilone sarl

Ventilone sarl

We are senior engineers skilled in computing sciences and energy industry. We dedicate our know-how and development effort to the production of efficient solutions that fight against climate change while reducing fossil fuels dependency. Our research is focused on solutions that deliver high performances with a minimum environmental footprint. We create integrated thermal systems based on seasonal heat storage that dramatically improve energy efficiency of buildings, anywhere at all times. We believe there`s no place for hazard and approximation in such systems.

Company details

2 chemin du Bois Noir La Festinière , Pierre Chatel , 38119 France
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Business Type:
Service provider
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Market Focus:
Nationally (across the country)
Year Founded:

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
Please, visit the following links for more info:

Since 2003, we have been extending our technology portfolio. We own proprietary tools and means to size and manage projects from end to end, case by case. We don't sell software, instead we propose design and deployment services.

Our systems aim at supplying buldings with heating, cooling and hot water. Targets are public and office buildings, council and residential housing, malls, pools, green houses, datacenters and more generally any large or tall building that requires thermal supply.

This site presents the way we create such systems, and how they could be integrated in your projects.

Seasonal heat storage is at the core of highly efficient, renewable energy based systems that aim at heating and cooling buildings and groups of buildings with a large domain of applications : public and office buildings, council and residential housing, malls, gymnasiums, pools, greenhouses, datacenters and more generally any large or tall building that requires thermal supply.
We do not handle the single-family dwelling, except in the case of residential groupings.

The integration can be made in various environments, in the country as well as in the city, and generates few environmental and visual impacts.

Industrial heat, rejected for example by electric equipments, can be recycled and feed tertiary and industrial buildings. Besides, this conception allows new modes of thermal dissipation with limited sanitary risks.

The use of a massive inertial system also allows a new architectural approach, in which the building is conceived as a seasonal sensor, opening the way to new modes of insulation and solar capture.