Veolia North America,  Industrial Business

Veolia North America, Industrial Business

11 services found

Veolia North America, Industrial Business Services

  • Energy Services

  • District Heating

    District Heating

    Veolia's steam delivery can interface with any type of HVAC building system to provide low cost and reliable thermal energy ...

  • Energy Management & Advisory Services

    Energy Management & Advisory Services

    Veolia, through its energy consulting business, helps our clients navigate the volatile and complex energy marketplace. Our energy experts deliver highly specialized energy management, energy master planning, engineering and owner’s representative services to help you reduce energy consumption, save on energy costs and advance your sustainability ...

  • Renewable Energy

    Renewable Energy

    Renewable and alternative fuels can be used to power district energy central plants or cogeneration / combined heat and power plants that are dedicated to large energy-intensive end ...

  • Industrial Services

  • Petrochemical and Refining - Fabrication, Construction and Repair

    Petrochemical and Refining - Fabrication, Construction and Repair

    Veolia ES Industrial Services, Inc. provides fabrication, construction, maintenance, and management of craft personnel to our Refining and Petrochemical customers. We have expertise in fabrication of pump packages, spool piping, structural skids, decks, and general construction or repair. Our capabilities include the ability to deploy and manage construction and maintenance crews. Qualified to ABS, ANSI, API, AWS and DOT. Disciplines such as Alloy ...

  • Turnkey Heat Exchanger Maintenance

    Turnkey Heat Exchanger Maintenance

    Veolia Environmental Services - Industrial Services provides a turnkey solution for heat exchanger maintenance during routine maintenance or turnaround situations. Multi-craft heat exchanger mechanics provide blinding, disassembly, and utilized patented Aerial and Truck Mounted Extractors to quickly, safely, and dependably, remove heat exchanger bundles. Bundles are transported to the cleaning facility on an exchanger dolly where cleaning is performed ...

  • Technical Solutions

  • Energy Recovery

    Energy Recovery

    Recovering the thermal potential of wastes can be an efficient, environmentally responsible option for the hazardous waste needs you face, and when it comes to safe and efficient fuels-blending programs, Veolia Environmental Services (Veolia ES) has few peers. We pioneered many of the techniques that today have become the standard for our industry, and continue to develop new technological solutions designed to help you deal with your Btu-rich chemical ...

  • Ethanol Recovery

    Ethanol Recovery

    Ethanol is Recovered From Waste, Secure Brand Destruction is Assured. Your waste may become RCRA exempt - recyling ethanol may eliminate hazardous waste categorization. Recover ethanol from discarded consumer and pharmacecutical products, and industrial production. Ethanol production reduces the demand for nonrenewable ...

  • Incineration


    No other hazardous waste treatment can match the combination offered by high-temperature incineration: efficient destruction of hazardous organic compounds and the capability to deal with a wide variety of such wastes. The resulting incineration ash and other residue is stabilized and placed in permanent land disposal. No one is better than Veolia Environmental Services in providing customers just like you with the most environmentally compliant, safe and ...

  • Waste to Energy

  • Waste to Energy (WTE) Plant Construction & Financing

    Waste to Energy (WTE) Plant Construction & Financing

    In conjunction with the expert assistance of the Veolia ES family of companies, Veolia ES Waste-to-Energy is able to assist communities with the design and construction of new facilities. Veolia ES Waste-to-Energy is able to work closely with communities to finance publicly owned facilities through credit enhancements and long-term guarantees. Additionally, Veolia ES Waste-to-Energy may assist in arranging for the financing of privately owned ...

  • Waste to Energy (WTE) Plant Design

    Waste to Energy (WTE) Plant Design

    The complexities of modern living create waste streams that require varied, and often complex, disposal methods. Veolia ES Waste-to-Energy management professionals are able to create innovative and integrated solutions based upon advanced research and worldwide technology. Our employees are committed to preserving the planet for future generations, and as such, maintain rigorous environmental controls and ethical standards. In conjunction with the expert ...

  • Waste to Energy (WTE) Plant Operations & Maintenance

    Waste to Energy (WTE) Plant Operations & Maintenance

    With more than 80 waste-to-energy facilities worldwide, the Veolia Environmental Services experience in operations and maintenance is unsurpassed. VES companies operate facilities with virtually every proven combustion and waste processing technology and state-of-the-art air pollution control systems that are available. This expertise enables Veolia ES Waste-to-Energy to structure highly capable and efficient operating teams to provide tailor-made, ...