8 products found
VKK Standardkessel Köthen GmbH Products
Boiler Constructions
Superheated Steam Boiler
Our steam boiler the CONDORBOILER, “Made in Germany”, is a large waterspace boiler for gaseous, liquid and solid fuels used in industry and at supply companies. The basic construction type of the steam boiler as a flue and smoke-tube boiler has been maintained since the market launch in 1951. Due to the integration of a superheater, superheated steam can be produced as required. Fuel use is increased by means of secondary heating surfaces, ...
Waste Heat Boilers
VKK STANDARDKESSEL develops and supplies waste heat boilers for a wide range of thermal processes for generating steam or hot water with smoke-tube or water-tube boilers. Our expertise in the constructive design of the heating surfaces forms the basis for meeting the high thermal, chemical and mechanical demands even in difficult process conditions. When used within the process, the regained waste gas heat increases the efficiency of the plant and thus ...
Electrode Boilers
Regenerative power generation is being focused on more and more. Steam and hot-water generation from power offers THE alternative to fossil ...
Steam Accumulators
Using steam accumulators, VELDE Boilers and Plants enables a consistent and effective mode of operation of the steam boilers with heavily fluctuating steam requirements. Dimensioning and design are tailored completely to specific needs for a constant mode of operation of the plant as a whole. With a steam accumulator, the steam boilers integrated ...
Boiler Units
Boiler Plants for Liquid and Gaseous Fuels
VKK STANDARDKESSEL offers complete units for steam or hot-water generation. Adding the necessary additional components from machine, electrical and control engineering, boiler systems are provided. The advantage for the operator in the construction of an entire boiler-unit by VKK STANDARDKESSEL is essentially that the manufacturer of the core component, the heat generator, tailors the other additional facilities optimally to the boiler. Thus, economic ...
Waste Heat/ Cogeneration Boiler Plants
VKK STANDARDKESSEL provides waste heat systems for thermal processes in which a hot waste gas is produced, for the use of the waste gas heat on the basis of steam and hot water. When used within the process, the regained waste gas heat increases plant efficiency and when used externally it contributes to improving economic efficiency. In any event, waste heat boilers are ecologically sensible. We design waste heat boilers for a wide range of thermodynamic ...
Boiler Components
Our supply range includes larger pressure vessels for thermal water treatment plants, for example hotwells or feedwater tanks. Heat reservoirs for cogeneration plants as well as steam drums for water-tube and waste heat boilers add to the range. Additional components are also quoted, designed and manufactured on a customised basis for your requirements by VKK STANDARDKESSEL / VKK STANDARDKESSEL ...
VKK STANDARDKESSEL / VKK STANDARDKESSEL Service provides process-specific heating surfaces that are used separately in the flue gas path or before/after the evaporator. These include, for example: waste heat boiler components, air preheaters, waterwalls, waste gas condensers, economisers and superheaters. Economisers for increasing the feedwater temperature can be used economically for nearly all steam generators. In gas oil and light crude oil firing ...