3 products found
Vobis LLC Products
Biodiesel Technologies
Vobis - Biodiesel Polishing Systems
We design and manufacture biodiesel polishing skid systems for biodiesel from dry wash processing. We have constructed several biodiesel polishing skids of various hydraulic capacities which are presently available for immediate sale and installation. These biodiesel polishing skids use Lanxess Sybron GF-202 resin to polish biodiesel from dry wash processing. Other capacity systems can be built to match client ...
Vobis - Feed FFA Reduction
To reduce the free fatty acids (FFA's) in biodiesel feedstocks, we design and manufacture both 2 resin bed polishing systems as well as polishing systems utilizing physical refining that we incorporate into new or existing biodiesel manufacturing facilities. Our two bed resin based biodiesel polishing systems facilitate the conversion of free fatty acids to biodiesel. In order to reduce alkoxide catalyst costs, our resin systems can be utilized to ...
Vobis - Biodiesel Evaporators
We successfully design and construct evaporator systems to implement and improve the vital evaporation and distillation stages of our clients' biodiesel facilities. We have successfully provided optimization of existing biodiesel production systems as well as provided new separation systems. We trouble shoot existing biodiesel production facilities to improve their ...