Wah Kok Professional Engrg Contractor

Wah Kok Professional Engrg Contractor

Wah Kok Professional Engrg Contractor

Wah Kok Professional Engineering Contractor is in the business of structural steel works, civil & mechanical engineering. It is also a Building & Construction Authority (BCA) registered contractor and a certified bizSAFE company. Mr. Tan Kock Wah founded the company in 1985 as a small engineering workshop with commitment to provide focused support to the engineering industries. Through the years, the management and its team have been able to provide high quality standard and total customer satisfaction through dedicated commitment in meeting the stringent requirement and high expectation. These have resulted in substantial growth for the business and we have successfully expanded by taking bold strides forward to diversify our services in many areas. We have a pool of highly trained professionals who are committed to provide all the necessary expertise and services for your industrial needs, thus ensuring your satisfaction.

Company details

50 Tuas Ave 11 #03-04/13/14 Tuas Lot , Singapore , 639107 Singapore
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Water Treatment
Market Focus:
Internationally (various countries)

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
Please, visit the following links for more info:

Our Industrial Engineering Services Include:

  • Stainless Steel/MS Products Fabrication
  • Mechanical/Civil Engineering Works
  • Structure Steelworks
  • PVC, Stainless Steel, Copper, Mild Steel Pipe Installation in: Chemical, Gas, Water, Air, Steam
  • Working Platform
  • Machining Service
  • Plan Set up, Testing & Commissioning
  • Supply of Spare Parts, Motor & Other Customer Needs


We have a team of well-trained, dedicated and experienced staff to provide services from design, fabrication, set up till final testing & commissioning. Over the years, we have established a reputation for quality and reliability in the domestic (Singapore) market. Our achievements have gained the recognition, tremendous support and trust from our customers, and they have benefit from our accumulated experience in solving industrial engineering problems and also our ability to recommend solutions. Our customer base includes industries from the marine, oil & gas, petrochemical, offshore & food in Singapore.