Waterpumps WP Oy

Waterpumps WP Oy

4 Articles found

Waterpumps WP Oy Articles

  • S.I.C.A.E of Precy - Precy Sait Martin, France - Case Study

    The work decomposed into several phases: Optimisation of turbines installed in 1926 in right bank to reach 420 kW. Change of regulating system for the power and the water level. Installation of a supplementary turbine of 80 KW power in left bank

  • Drägsby Vattenkraft - Tjusterby, Finland - Case Study

    Tjusterby hydro power plant is located near the city of Porvoo in Finland and it generates power for the mansion of Drägsby.

  • Warsaw Water District - Wiory, Poland - Case Study

    Waterpumps WP Oy has delivered hydropower equipment for Wiory power plant in Poland. The work included three tube turbines with hydraulics and control panels. All the equipment was assembled ready for mounting in Finland. The customer fitted the ...

  • Eesti Energia AS - Linnamae, Estonia - Case Study

    Linnamae plant is located in northern Estonia in Jagala-river, about 1.5 km from the coast of Baltic Sea and 30 km east from the city of Tallinn. The original plant has been designed by Finnish professor Axel Verner Juselius in the year 1917 and it ...