2 services found
WEW Engineering Ltd Services
Waste to Energy
Waste to Energy (WtE) technology is an energy recovery process that converts chemicals from waste residues into practical forms of energy, like electricity, heat, or steam. Existing Technologies include: Thermal (direct Incineration) Mechanical & Thermal (Pulverisation and Drying for Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Thermo – Chemic (Gasification, Pyrolysis, etc) Biochemical (Fermentation and Anaerobic ...
Plant Upgrades
Planning is not a one-way street, that is why develop a rough concept for you with alternatives. With this, you have a solid basis for a sustainable decision based on BAT compliance for your industry sector. We look at all the following areas in terms of upgrade possibilities, all with a focus on decarbonisation and energy reduction. • Plant Upgrading through Improved Operation and Maintenance • Plant Upgrading through Instrumentation and Control Systems ...