

5 products found

WindCycle Products

  • Reinventing the Wind Turbine

    Reinventing the Wind Turbine

    The Archimedes spiral wind turbine is a type of horizontal axis wind turbine HAWTs but unlike traditional HAWT that uses lift force generated by air pushed down by an Aerodynamic shape ( Airfoil), This turbine uses drag force to harness the energy from the wind. It consists of 3 blades three-dimensional conical shape. One of the ...

  • Wind Turbine Calculator

    Wind Turbine Calculator

    This wind turbine calculator is a comprehensive tool for determining the power output, revenue, and torque of either a horizontal-axis (HAWT) or vertical-axis turbine (VAWT). You only need to input a few basic parameters to check the efficiency of your turbine and how much it can earn you. You can use our tool as either a HAWT or a VAWT calculator – to change the turbine type, simply choose your desired turbine from the drop-down list at the top of ...

  • Wind Energy Wall

    Wind Energy Wall

    Wind turbines do not necessarily need to be physicality intrusive or not aesthetic. We can create designs that are aesthetically pleasing as it is functional. This “kinetic wall” is made up of an array of rotary blades that spin individually, driving a mini generator that creates electricity. The electricity is utilized in the home, shopping malls or business, can be stored in a wall-mounted battery, or can even be fed back into the national ...

  • Green Bitcoin Mining

    Green Bitcoin Mining

    Bitcoin mining is converging with the energy sector with amazing rapidity, yielding an explosion of innovation that will both decarbonize bitcoin in the medium term, and will dramatically benefit increasingly renewable grids. What’s more, it appears that only bitcoin – rather than other industrial load sources – can actually achieve some of these goals. Bitcoin enthusiasts have long maintained that bitcoin mining could drive a clean ...

  • Model Basic Version - Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

    Model Basic Version - Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

    Design features: -Blade Profile: This turbine blade has two airfoils in different areas. the first near blade root area has Eppler 555 (E555-il) general aviation airfoil and the near blade tip has Eppler 216 (E216) low Reynolds number ...