Zuccato Energia Srl

Zuccato Energia Srl

3 News & Press Releases found

Zuccato Energia Srl News

  • Turboexpander


    Zuccato Energia Turboexpander is a solution for improve the energy efficiency of industrial plants by exploiting the reduction of gas pressure from the delivery level to that required by users.  The Turboexpander ...

  • ORC plants for biogas engines

    ORC plants for biogas engines

    Biogas is one of the most used alternative sources for the production of renewable energy and ORC technology can make it even more efficient. The biogas supply chain uses a low environmental system and is powered by raw materials of local origin. ...

  • Recovery of thermal waste from an industrial process

    Energy is an increasingly indispensable and expensive resource and improvements in energy efficiency become increasingly fundamental and strategic for companies, which find potential savings in the recovery of heat from their industrial processes, ...