Biodiesel Blending Downloads

12 downloads found
  • Premium

    893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat - Brochure

    The 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat, in conjunction with StabNet software, is a modern analytical system for easy and reliable determination of the oxidation stability of biodiesel and biodiesel blends according to standards EN 14112 and EN ...

  • Premium

    The Effect of Biodiesel Feedstocks on Infrared Blend Measurements

    What is the effect of biodiesel feedstocks on measurement accuracy? This common question coming from individuals measuring the percent biodiesel in diesel leads to several other questions before the answer is ...

  • Premium

    Spectro - Model InfraCal 2 ATR-B - Biodiesel Blend Analyzer - Datasheet

    The InfraCal 2 Biofuel Analyzer is a low-cost, single wavelength analyzer with filters preset for a particular measurement – either biodiesel in diesel or ethanol in gasoline. Biodiesel has a characteristic infrared absorption band at 5.73 μm (1745 cm-1). Ethanol’s infrared absorbance is at 9.6 μm (1045 cm-1). As the biodiesel or ethanol percentage increases, the infrared ...

  • Premium

    893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat - Manual

    The 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat is a computer-controlled measuring device for determining the oxidation stability of biodiesel and biodiesel blends (mixture of biodiesel and conventional diesel fuel) according to the standards EN 14112 and EN 15751. It is equipped with two heating blocks each with 4 measuring positions. Each block can be heated individually, i.e., 4 samples can each be ...

  • EZ-8 12-Volt - DC Fuel Pump Brochure

    OutletSuction Pipe Three-piece, Trim-to-fitHose 10 ft5/8 in. diameterMotor Protection Internal, auxiliary temperature-limiting deviceUnique Features Gas station equivalent flowrate - direct tank mounting.To Use With Diesel fuel, Up to 20% biodiesel blends such as B20, Gasoline, Up to 15% alcohol blends such as E15,Kerosene10/7/2013 | Page 1 of ...

  • Biofuel Tank Upgrade (BTU) Brochure

    Ethanol blends up to and including E100, and biodiesel blends up to B100 are all compatible with the BTU upgrade from Containment Solutions Inc. ...

  • Premium

    Lower Resolution Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy Can Provide Higher Performance for Quantitative Biodiesel Measurements - Brochure

    Resolution is often used as a yardstick of instrument performance in Infrared Spectroscopy. This is especially true when the measurements are energy limited as they are in the mid-infrared. For example, in both the European and ASTM standards - EN14078 and ASTM D7371 -for the determination of biodiesel in diesel fuel, a 4 cm-1 resolution is specified which is a relatively high resolution. ...

  • 10" Underground Fuel Tank - Brochure

    Nationwide’s fiberglass fuel tanks are the most corrosion-resistant tanks in the market today, meeting the most stringent requirements of the UL 1316 Third Edition. This provides our customers confidence for longstanding hassle-free service. Our corrosion-resistant fiberglass tanks are compatible with all ethanol-blended fuels, biodiesel, and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuels. Fiberglass ...

  • Fiberglass Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks Brochure

    Fuel compatibility – Xerxes tanks are UL-listed for all ethanol-blended fuels, including E10 and E85, andare fully compatible with new diesel blends, including ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) and biodiesel blends.? ...

  • CSI Corporate Overview - Brochure

    Containment Solutions, formerly the special products division of Owens Corning, pioneered a technology in 1965 to manufacture the fi rst fi berglass petroleum storage tank. Originally our tanks were designed for the safe storage of petroleum and other combustible materials. In fact, our design work resulted in the UL 1316 standard which governs fi berglass tank manufacturing for petroleum tanks. ...

  • Clean Energy Services- Brochure

    A report from April 20142013 Who’s Winning the Clean Energy Race?The Pew Charitable Trusts The Pew Charitable Trusts applies the power of knowledge to solve today’s most challenging problems. Pew employs a rigorous, analytical approach to improve public policy, inform the public, and stimulate civic life. We partner with a diverse range of donors, public and private organizations, and concerned ...

  • LM2500+G4 Brochure

    In addition to conventional turbine fuels such as #2 diesel, jet fuel, and kerosene, aeroderivative gas turbines are designed to run on a range of alternates—from light distillates like naphtha, to greener fuels such as biodiesels and ethanol derived from various feedstocks. Our package and engine systems have over 450,000 hours of successful operations on naphtha fuel, and over ...

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