CHP Unit Downloads
Model 400 kW Class - Compact CHP Units Brochure
Our first compact CHP units of the 400 kW class have been installed late 2003. After several innovation steps in which the CHP unit size was reduced and the power increased the CHP unit type GG 402 introduced in 2007 is the world’s most compact CHP unit of the 400 kW class ...
Catalogue Of References Jan 2009 Brochure
48691 Vreden, Germany 5555 25.0 Biogas Plant 52152 Simmerath Main Fermenter: 923m³ Post Fermenter: 923m³ CHP Unit total power: 300kW el. Hygienisierung 26.0 Biogas Plant 48624 Schöppingen Main Fermenter: 923m³ Post Fermenter: 923m³ Digestate Store: 1.600m³ CHP Unit total power: 210kW el. ...
By Triangle Ltd
CHP Unit Service - Brochure
We’ve been developing and building combined heat and power (CHP) units since 1992. In the process of manufacturing and installing over 4,100 units, we’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge, from technology to integration and ...
Model 500 kW Class - Compact CHP Units Brochure
Core piece of the 500 kW class is the CHP unit type GG 530 which has been presented first time in late 2012, entered serial production in early 2014 and has been applied successfully since then in many objects. Equipped with an advanced MAN 12 cylinder turbo engine it reaches excellent efficiencies (39,7 % electric and 90,9 % ...
Model 100 kW Class - Compact CHP Units Brochure
The compact CHP units of the 100 kW class belong to our most frequently sold cogeneration units. In this class SOKRATHERM regularly scores one of the top positions in the yearly ranking of the ‚Energie & Management‘ newspaper. Especially the compact CHP unit GG 140 has been installed in a number of larger hotels, industrial sites, district heating centers and ...
CHP Units for Biogas - Brochure
Since opening its doors in 1992, TEDOM SCHNELL has evolved into a technologically leading supplier of combined heat and power units for on-site heat and power ...
Model 50 kW Class - Compact CHP Units Brochure
The compact CHP units of the 50 kW class built by SOKRATHERM for decades are most commonly found in operation. They are mainly installed in mid-sized hotels, swimming pools, district heating centers, schools and nursing homes. By integrating the switchgear inside the sound absorbing case SOKRATHERM was the first producer of compact ready-to-connect CHP ...
Tedom - Model Flexi Series - CHP Unit - Brochure
Flexi series CHP units are optimally used in energy-demanding buildings such as, hospitals, schools, hotels, aquaparks, conference centers and industrial facilities. Their modular design allows for simple adaptation to customers’ requirements where they can select a wide array of options. To put it simply, the main features of this output series are flexibility and simple ...
By Tedom a.s.
ETW - Natural Gas CHP Unit - Brochure
Decentralised energy supply is a firm component of a well-balanced energy mix in the 21st century. As a partner to the major German energy suppliers, ETW supplies the requisite CHP technology – in some cases in the form of framework agreements – along with the corresponding service ...
CHP units - biogas
Products: CHP - units to operate with biogas fuelling Engine output efficiency factor Dimensions Weight Sound- 4) Unit Engine electric 1) [kW] thermal 2) [kW] primary 3) ...
Viessmann - CHP Units - Brochure
CHP units for heat and powerCHP units for the combined generation of heat and power with an output range from 5.5 to 401 kWelA gas driven combined heat and power (CHP) unit generates heat and power simultaneously. ...
Prozinger Waste To Energy Brochure
Mixing system: Paddle giants & submersible mixer. 2 Digestate Storage Tanks 2 Digestate Storage Tanks 2 Digestate Storage Tanks 2 Digestate Storage Tanks with 3.690 m3.690 m3.690 m3.690 m3333 each 2222 CHP Units with CHP Units with CHP Units with CHP ...
By Triangle Ltd
Example Waste To Energy 1.038 kW incl. Heating Pipe Brochure (PDF 391 KB)
Liquid substrates are pumped directly from their reception tanks into the digesters. 2 Digesters with2 Digesters with2 Digesters with2 Digesters with 2.078 m2.078 m2.078 m2.078 m3333 each each each each (Ø 21 m, h 6 m) incl. wall and base heat- ing, wooden roof, gas storage roof Mixing System: 1 x Paddle Giant + 1 x Submersible Mixer per tank 1 Post Digester1 Post Digester1 ...
By Triangle Ltd
Example Waste To Energy Plant 2.000 kW Brochure (PDF 501 KB)
Mixing system: Paddle giants & submersible mixer. 2 Digestate Storage Tanks 2 Digestate Storage Tanks 2 Digestate Storage Tanks 2 Digestate Storage Tanks with 3.690 m3.690 m3.690 m3.690 m3333 each 2222 CHP Units with CHP Units with CHP Units with CHP ...
By Triangle Ltd
Peters Waste To Energy Brochure
Liquid substrates are pumped directly from their reception tanks into the digesters. 2 Digesters with2 Digesters with2 Digesters with2 Digesters with 2.078 m2.078 m2.078 m2.078 m3333 each each each each (Ø 21 m, h 6 m) incl. wall and base heat-ing, wooden roof, gas storage roof Mixing System: 1 x Paddle Giant + 1 x Submersible Mixer per tank 1 Post Digester1 Post Digester1 Post ...
By Triangle Ltd
Van de Groep Waste To Energy Brochure
Mixing system: 2 submerged mixer in each digester 2 CHP Unit with 2 CHP Unit with 2 CHP Unit with 2 CHP Unit with 1.250 kWel in total (gas engines) Technical Highlights + Recycling ConceptTechnical Highlights + Recycling ConceptTechnical Highlights + ...
By Triangle Ltd
Vitotwin - Model 350-F and 300-W - Micro CHP Units - Brochure
cally designed to meet modernisation requirementsCombined heat and power (CHP) units are a genuine alternative to conventional heating systems when modernising.While gas boilers generate only heat, a micro CHP unit simultaneously generates heat and power for on-site consumption. ...
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