Energy Efficiency Management Downloads
HRS - Managing Energy Efficiently - Environmental Industry - Brochure
We have a duty to protect the environment and human health from the effects of waste management and disposal. Operators are growing increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their activities. Strict environmental regulations demand companies to source means of reducing the generation of residues and work towards converting waste streams into energy or added value products. As a result, ...
Picea - HPS System - Brochure
HPS allows you to maximize your independence. All energy produced is efficiently stored and converted. Get the best out of your photovoltaic solar system with HPS. HPS has developed a system in which components such as a battery, electrolyzer and fuel cell all work together efficiently. Predictive energy management creates a sustainable, self-sufficient and customizable house energy system. This ...
HRS - Managing Energy Efficiently - Food, Dairy and Beverage Industries - Brochure
HRS Heat Exchangers provide a range of heat exchangers, components, modules and complete processing systems that help you to optimise production, make the most of raw materials, whilst reducing energy consumption, waste and emissions. Food and beverage processors around the globe rely on our technologies including heat exchangers, pumps, tank equipment and solutions for aseptic filling. These are ...
Delom Services Corporate Brochure
This novelty tool ensures that you will be able to follow the work on any unit in our shop on-line, anytime, anywhere without leaving your deskDelom Services is a key partner for the mechanical and electromechanical maintenance teams, bringing deep expertise and competent consulting services tailored to the reality of the market.Running on expertise AC, DC and synchronous motorsA ONE-STOP SHOPFOR ...
The Energy Event sales brochure
CONFERENCES | SEMINARS | WORKSHOPS | EXHIBITION | NETWORKING | INSIGHT & INNOVATIONMEET THE ENERGy INduSTRy’S decision makersOne of Europe’s largest events dedicated to energy procurement, management and efficiency CO-EVENT SPONSORS EVENT PaRTNERS MEDIa PaRTNERS CaRbON OffSET ...
Enertech 2007 1st Call for Papers
Who should attend The Conference aims at bringing together researchers, policy makers, energy sector decision makers, academics, members of funding institutions, government officials, interested in current developments & perspectives in the energy sector and in particular will include topics related to Renewable Energy Sources, ...
By Leaderexpo
2nd Annual Utility Integrated Long Range Resource Planning Brochure (PDF 293 KB)
With sixdistinct web sites, seven e-newsletters and both electronic and print publications, top energy executives, managers, leaders and industry influencers have relied on Energy Central to deliver the information they use every day. ...
By Marcus Evans
Promoting Utility Energy Efficiency & DSM Programs Brochure
Hawkins, Manager, Energy EfficiencySouthern California Edison11:45 Case StudyUnderstanding the Relationship Between DSM and Energy Efficiency • Recognizing energy efficiency as a key tool for DSM• Developing DSM programs to offset demand requirements on the grid• Creating energy ...
By Marcus Evans
AEM13920 Dual input energy harvesting - Datasheet
Ultra Efficient Dual Sources Energy Manager with MPPT/Constant Voltage, Regulated Buck Output and 5 V CC/CV ...
By e-peas S.A.
Energy Solutions Expo 2010 - Sales Brochure
Talk to a member of our sales team to discuss opportunities ranging from email sponsorship to sponsoring the combined registration area or tell us your budget and we can design a bespoke package to suit your needs and requirements.To book your stand or for any more information about exhibiting and sponsorship please call our sales team, details on the back.Pre-registered visitors for ...
DESMI OptiSave - Optimizing Pump Speed to Current Conditions Saving Fuel Brochure
In particular, the results should not be construed as certified, legal or otherwise.Shaft GeneratorReference speed@ Index ConditionMandatory fieldOptional fieldInnovative energy efficiency technologyIgnored fieldEEDI CalculatorDelivery dateShip detailsPropulsion power:Deadweight:Index ConditionYour calculator is up to dateMain Engine(s)Auxiliary ...
Display Energy Certificates-Broucher
We aspire to add value to our clients by providing practical, realistic advice in terms of carbon management and energy efficiency. All public sector clients have an obligation to respond to legislative framework and benefit towards carbon reduction commitment. ...
Conference Preview 2016
The 16th annual African Utility Week and Clean Power Africa is the only global meeting place, conference and trade exhibition for African power and water utility professionals and offers a unique networking opportunity for engineers, stakeholders and solution providers ...
By VUKA Group
PowerClerk Brochure
Clean Power Research supports the planning, selling and operation of solar and other renewable energy systems and energy efficiency technologies with industry-leading data, software, and research and consulting services. ...
PowerBill Brochure
Utilities, energy agencies, engineers, developers, manufacturers, installers and financiers rely on Clean Power Research for more bankable analysis, better planning and operations, efficient incentive management and faster sales cycles.HISTORY OF INNOVATIONSince its founding in 1998, Clean Power Research has worked closely with industry leaders ...
Energy Management - Brochure (PDF 334 KB)
VeRisAe in ACtionDriving efficiency - Verisae’s energy management solution allows organizations to reduce energy usage and costs by indentifying consumption anomalies. ...
By Accruent
Company Profile
ESBI is wholly owned by the Irish state electricity company ESB, a fully integrated power utility established in 1927 which had an annual turnover in 2009 of €3.1billion and annual sales exceeding 16,000GWh.ESBI Company ProfileEngineering Consultancy: Providing a full range of integrated engineering solutions relating to all aspects of the power sector including generation, transmission and ...
Montealto Energy Brochure
Thermosolar | 4. Energy efficiency Infrastructures5 6 7 85. Civil Works | 6. Building | 7. ...
By ABEI Energy
Hybrid for Telecoms Brochure
By Entrust
Powering the Urban Future Brochure
Examination of the EU’s proposed legislation regarding Renewable Energy Resources (RES) and Energy Efficiency (EE), and its implications for urban planning. ...
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