Fluidized Bed Downloads

28 downloads found
  • Fluidized Bed Coolers / Dryers

    Our fluidized bed coolers are working continuously and are fed by example by rotary valves or screw conveyers. ...

  • Comessa - Static Fluidized Bed - Brochure

    The fluidization is a state of dynamic balance of a divided solid in an ascending moving gas. It confers hydraulic properties to solids (angle of repose equal to zero, easy spreading, total filling of a receiver in which the product is fluidized). Such method of bringing in contact a solid with a gas, allows high mass and heat transfers. Mechanical energy transferred by gas to the particles is ...

  • Comessa - Vibrating Fluidized Bed- Brochure

    Fluidization confers to a divided solid the properties of a fluid. Products with a wide particle size distribution or including large particles, cannot be processed in a static fluidization equipment. It is the same for products discharged from centrifuges which are sticky or include lumps and which will not permit treatment by direct fluidization. Comessa developed the vibrating fluidized bed to ...

  • Eqtec - Gasifier Plants Brochure

    EQTEC has two gasification plants for ongoing research and development of EQTEC Gasifier Technology. Gasification tests using different types of waste are carried out at these centres enabling the improvement of technological development. EQTEC Gasifier Technology is a gasification technology based on a bubbling fluidized bed reactor suitable for a wide range of waste and biomass guaranteeing a ...

  • OptiCOM - Fluidized Bed Combustion System Brochure

    A fluidized bed is an ideal method for the combustion of diverse and challenging solid fuels. Steenova's OptiCOM steam generator is an important step towards the perfection of combustion technology for solid, wet and muddy biogenic waste. For heat ballance reasons the bubbling bed combustion chamber is integrated in a high pressure steam ...

  • Refining Industry Fluidized-Bed Catalytic Cracking Unit - Application Note

    Fluidized-Bed Catalytic Cracking (FCC) is the most important and widely used refinery process for converting low value, heavy oils into more valuable gasoline and lighter products. The typical FCC process will convert 75% or more of the heavy oils into gasoline and lighter products. Originally, chemical cracking was accomplished by thermally heating the oil to extremely high temperatures, but the ...

  • Captis Aire - Fluidized Bed Concentrator (FBC) System Brochure

    The Fluidized Bed Concentrator (FBC) is advantageously used in industrial applications with a very high volume of process air exhaust and low inlet emissions concentration where traditional oxidizers require significant amounts of natural gas to sustain combustion and electricity to move the exhaust air. The FBC operates via three main operations: 1) Adsorption, where the emissions are captured ...

  • Publications Catalog

    T:\\\\_aaaa\\\\cibo\\\\pubs\\\\catalog.doc 06/06/01 Mail or FAX this form to: COUNCIL OF INDUSTRIAL BOILER OWNERS 6801 Kennedy Road, Suite 102, Warrenton, VA 20187 Phone: 540-349-9043, FAX: 540-349-9850 PUBLICATIONS FROM CIBO # Publication Year Each CD priced separately Fluidized Bed XVI – XXVI CD 2001-2013 Member $50 Non-member $100 Ind. ...

  • Incineration Brochure

    State of the Art Fluidized Bed Technology – Our Kimball, Nebraska incinerator uses a fluidized bed incineration technology. ...

  • Thermax - Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion boiler Brochure

    Thermax's bubbling type AFBC boiler offers efficient, cost-effective and reliable steam generation and is a viable alternative to conventional solid fuel-fired boilers for industrial applications. With over 265 installations across the world, the boiler offers benefits like fuel flexibility, high efficiency, low emissions, and reduced capital and operating expenses. Thermax's AFBC boiler design ...

  • FINAL_WD_Incineration_Fact_Sheet_030108

    State of the Art Fluidized Bed Technology – Our Kimball, Nebraska incinerator uses a fluidized bed incineration technology. ...

  • Conidur - Fine Hole Sheets Brochure

    The CONIDUR fine hole sheets have a more triangular-shaped to semi-elliptical opening, compared to the slotted hole sheets. Here you find an overview of the dimensions of the CONIDUR® fine hole sheets. CONIDUR-Feinlochbleche als Anströmboden in einer Fließbett-Anwendung.CONIDUR® fine hole sheets as a distribution deck in a fluidized bed ...

  • 300XP - Multifunctional Filter & Fluid Bed Dryer System- Brochure

    In a fluid bed, gas enters a bed of powder until the powder fluidizes. Fluidization occurs when the particles become suspended in the gas stream, and the bed of powder behaves as a boiling liquid. ...

  • Outotec - Circofer Coal-Based Reduction Plants - Brochure

    Based on over 60 years of experience in fluidized bed technology, Outotec has developed the Circofer coal-based process which produces pre-reduced feed material for smelting reduction reactors, such as AusIron, or electric smelting furnaces - the final product being hot metal or pig ...

  • OptiGas - Air / Steam Blown Gasifier With Gas Turbine Brochure

    Only gasification allows to convert solid biomass to reach high efficiency in combined heat and power generation in the decentralized sector. Due to this Seenova has developed an fluidized bed gasifier which was optimized and tested and ready for market ...

  • Burkhardt - Model V 4.50 - Wood Gasifier Brochure

    The V 4.50 works according to the same principle as its big technical brother, the V 3.90, namely by way of parallel flow gasification, during which fuel and air are fed to the gas reactor from below in a controlled way and are dosed with such precision that the pellets fluidise in certain areas without being carried away. Due to the uniform size of the wood pellets, the fluidised bed stabilises ...

  • Fluidised Bed Combustion System Brochure

    Improved Cost-Effectiveness Thanks to Optimized Design and Improved Materials. The Inova fluid bed has many advantages compared to the multiple hearth: Uniform bed temperature and high bed turbulence result in low excess air requirements and low formation of pollutants. Optimized fluidization, distribution, and residence time allow for efficient gas burnout. Single refractory line vessels with no ...

  • Thermax - Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustion Boiler Brochure

    The boiler with its simplified, cost-effective and efficient design provides improved performance. Benefits include high combustion efficiency, high reliability and availability, low maintenance costs, reduced erosion, enormous fuel flexibility and low emissions. Thermax's CFBC boiler is based on Babcock & Wilcox's unique internal re-circulation CFB boiler design and employs a patented ...

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