Gas Heat Exchanger Downloads
Super Radiator - Oil to Air/Gas Heat Exchangers Brochure
Oil to air/gas heat exchangers are used for cooling and ...
Glycol - Air/Gas Heat Exchangers Brochure
Glycol to air/gas heat exchangers are used for cooling and heating. Tube sizes range from 1/2 inch to 1 inch. Materials include copper, aluminum, stainless steel, carbon steel, titanium and others. This product is brazed or welded depending on the material and application. For increased thermal performance, we offer various types of ...
Brine - Air/Gas Heat Exchangers Brochure
Brine to air/gas heat exchangers are used for cooling and heating. Tube sizes range from 1/2 inch to 1 inch. Materials include copper, aluminum, stainless steel, carbon steel, titanium and others. This product is brazed or welded depending on the material and application. For increased thermal performance, we offer various types of ...
Super Radiator - Compressed Gas Heat Exchangers Brochure
Heat exchangers used for compressed gas are used for cooling. Our heavy wall tubes can stand working pressures of 5,200 psi. Tube sizes range from 3/8 inch to 5/8 inch. Materials include copper, aluminum, stainless steel, carbon steel, titanium and others. This product is brazed or welded depending on the material and ...
CALORPLAST - Plastic Gas-Liquid Heat Exchanger - Brochure
The CALORPLAST plastic gas-liquid heat exchanger is a recuperator for heat transfer from a gaseous medium to a liquid medium. It is manufactured entirely from plastics and is used for heat recovery as well as for cooling and heating large gas flows. ...
Model 237 - Gas Chiller Drying System Brochure
The gas first passes through a coalescing filter where particulates are removed. This prevents impingement on the heat exchanger fins and extends the life of the heat exchanger. A Glycol mixture is chilled using a refrigeration unit. The glycol is then circulated through a heat exchanger where it cools the gas to the desired temperature. Any entrained liquid, as well as water in the saturated gas ...
Schmid - Model HLT-100 - Hot-air Turbine - Brochure
With the “HLT-100 compact” hot air turbine, electricity can be generated with a wood firing system from a thermal offtake of 300 kW. Due to their complexity and maintenance requirements, other systems – such as ORC systems or steam turbines – only become worthwhile as large-scale systems with a thermal capacity above 2 MW. In many cases, heat offtake all year round cannot ...
EBZ - Test Rigs Datasheet
The business division EBZ Fuel Cells provides standard and customised stack and cell test rigs for performance and long-term tests as well as test rigs for electrolysis or even both SOFC and SOEC. The test rigs can be equipped with different kinds of mechanical and electrical balance of plant components like air and gas preheaters, different kinds of humidification units, reforming units, gas ...
FAMET - Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers - Brochure
FAMET owns a long years experience in design and manufacturing of modern and reliable heat exchange equipment. FAMET GROUP companies specialize in deliveries of shell and tube heat exchangers consistent with design and technological requirements indicated in TEMA standards. Besides refineries, petrochemical and chemical industry, offered heat exchangers are generally used in power industry, heat ...
Top Technology for our Environment Brochure
The wood chips are transported reliably and automatically with an energy-saving, intelligent, laser-controlled clamshell system from the storage location to the wood gasifier. In the gasifier, wood gas is produced continuously by adding air as gasification medium. The wood gas, then, is treated in several steps and is burnt with a pilot injection engine by ...
Borsig Process Heat Exchanger - Process Gas Waste Heat Recovery Systems - Brochure
Object MovedThis document may be found ...
By Borsig GmbH
Model HTHO - 100.0 - Heat Transfer/Hot Oil Package - Datasheet
Integrated Flow Solutions Heat Transfer/Hot Oil Systems are designed to store and transfer heat transfer fluids used for industrial heating. The heat transfer fluid is normally stored in an elevated insulated vessel skid mounted. Special high temperature centrifugal pumps are used to circulate the heat media fluid from the storage tank through an electric process heater, gas fired heater or ...
Company Overview Brochure
World Leaders in IncinerationWorld Leaders in IncinerationIncinco todayFull service incinerator manufacturer• Design & documentation • Steel fabrication• Refractory construction• Installation • Commissioning and training• Service and maintenance • Project managementWorld Leaders in IncinerationOur productsMedical waste incinerators25kg/hr - 500kg/hrContainerised incinerators100kg/hr - ...
Fully Automatic Mothermik® Wood Electrification Installation for Long Term Operation
High quality charcoal coke is dischargedfor the further usage.In the homogenous firebed of the oxidationzone, the thermal-chemical gasification istriggered when air is added at up to 1,100 °C.Pre-cleanedView in the oxidation zoneFinal cleaned??? ???Gas and water processingWood gas is a low calorie weak gas (mainburning shares CO, H2 and CH4) with ...
Pro2 Anlagentechnik GmbH Company Brochure
cient and – in some cases – energy suppliers to public power distribution grids themselves.Natural gasFuelCooling water heat exchangerWaste gas heat exchanger Electrical consumer/ power gridStackHeating network (consumer)GeneratorMotorHeatingSteamCoolingDiagram of tri-generation system Energy generation in a co-generation power ...
Company Brochure
The processes follow the TEMA standards, which allow all heat exchanger processes in the chemical and petrochemical industry to be achieved.PRodUCTS• Process Gas Heat Exchangers• Pre-heaters• Coolers• Vaporizers and Condensers• Fallfilm and Circulating Vaporiser• Safety Heat ...
Natural Gas CHP Module Brochure
For energy-intensive applications with a high power consumption, such as hospitals, care homes or hotels, a combined heat and power module run with natural gas is an environmentally responsible and profitable ...
HRS - Model Unicus Series - Reciprocating Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers - Brochure
The solution for applications with delicate products. The patented design is based on a traditional shell and tube heat exchanger with scraping elements inside each tube. The reciprocating movement of the scrapers mixes the fluid whilst cleaning the heat exchange surface. This keeps heat transfer high and reduces downtime. In addition, the scraping movements introduces turbulence in the fluid ...
Dorchester DR-TC Solar Water Heater Brochure
For safety, the burner firing sequence includes a pre and post firing purge of any gases in the system using fan-blown combustion air, as well as a pre-glow period while the surface igniter is heated before the gas control valve can be opened to begin combustion.When the burner is fully lit, hot flue gases lead downwards through the combustion chamber then ...
Greenhouse Cogeneration (CHP) - Brochure
Gas engines are highly efficient at providing the stimulus for the growth of plants, whilst in parallel providing a flexible supply of electrical power. Heat, light and carbon dioxide (CO2) all promote plant growth. Gas engines provide electrical power at the alternator and when in a cogeneration configuration can also recover useful heat. Carbon dioxide is released in the exhaust gases of the ...
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