Refuse-Derived Fuel Downloads
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Brochure
A combination of environmental and financial drivers has ensured the development of a booming RDF market throughout the UK. Are you interested in moving towards a zero landfill solution? Do you have residual waste that is currently sent to 3rd party fuel preparation sites or landfills? Do your customers want to know what happens to their waste? If the answer to any of the above is ...
Sponsor or Exhibit at Renewable Energy from Waste 2013
The Economics of Waste Conversion 4Gasification 4Anaerobic Digestion 4?Preparing Feedstocks for Refuse Derived Fuel 4?Refuse-Derived Fuel 4?Plastics to Oil 4?End-User Applications ...
By Smithers
International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies and Hazardous Waste Combustors - Call for Abstracts
(6) Alternatives to Incineration Novel and demonstrated alternatives to incineration including: waste minimization and recycling, hydrothermal oxidation, plasma-based treatment, vitrification, thermal desorption, direct and indirect systems, gasification/pyrolysis, chemical oxidation, and stabilization; biological treatment; new and innovative thermal treatment & waste combustion ...
Sponsor or Exhibit at Renewable Energy from Waste 2013
The Economics of Waste Conversion4Gasification4Anaerobic Digestion4?Preparing Feedstocks for Refuse Derived Fuel4?Refuse-Derived Fuel4?Plastics to Oil4?End-User ...
By Smithers
Internal Project, AT Biogas plant based with gas engine CHP plant and efficient waste heat recovery in a district heating network or in an ORC 2005 Nominal electric capacity: 0.25 MW fuel cell; nominal thermal capacity: 0.18 MW fuel cell waste heat (development phase) Preliminary plant design and conceptual design, technical and economic assessment (in-house ...
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