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Ash Management Service Providers

3 companies found
  • Industrial Environmental, Inc.
    Service provider
    based in Rockport, INDIANA (USA)

    Industrial Environmental, Inc. is a full service dredging and dewatering company, specializing in material handling, ash pond management, waterway maintenance, and pond cleaning. Industrial Environmental, Inc. utilizes innovative technology to move ...

    Ash Pond Management Services

    Ash Pond Management Services

    As utilities age, coal specifications change and space becomes limited, ash pond management has become an intregal operation of many coal-fired utilities using a wet ash slurry method for ash handling. where it is stored and how it is disposed of ...

  • NoNOx Components LLC (Integrated Global Services, Inc.)
    Service provider
    based in Midlothian, VIRGINIA (USA)

    IGS has unmatched knowledge and experience addressing metal wastage in mission critical equipment. Our customized solutions prevent equipment failure, extend service life, minimize outage downtime and reduce repetitive maintenance expenses. Over our ...

  • Charah, Inc.
    Service provider
    based in Louisville, KENTUCKY (USA)

    Charah, Inc. is a total solutions company providing unparalleled service and innovation. Based in Louisville, KY, Charah today is one of the largest providers of coal combustion product (CCP) management and power plant support services for the ...

    Fly Ash Management Service

    Fly Ash Management Service

    Charah provides extensive operating experience and capital fleet equipment to efficiently manage fly ash operations at coal-fired power plants with the least cost impact. Our commitment to environmental compliance and risk management adds value ...


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