Bed Combustion Equipment & Supplies In Asia & Middle East

28 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Thermax Limited
    based in INDIA

    Thermax's bubbling type AFBC boiler offers efficient, cost-effective and reliable steam generation and is a viable alternative to conventional solid fuel-fired boilers for industrial applications. With over 265 installations across the world, the boiler offers benefits like fuel flexibility, high efficiency, low emissions, and reduced capital and operating expenses. Thermax's AFBC boiler design ...

  • based in USA

    Fluidized bed technology offers the advantage of reduced NOx and SO2 emissions by allowing the control of bed temperature and using reagents such as limestone as bed material. Additional benefits include the ability to use fuels such as biomass or waste fuels which are difficult to burn in conventional boiler ...

  • Manufactured by CCI Breiding GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    NOZZLES FOR FLUIDIZED BED COMBUSTION. Wood, coal, petrol coke, animal meal, sewage sludge or (industrial) waste – the fuels are as diverse as the nozzles in use. The hostile environmental conditions embed special requirements concerning the nozzles composition and material. Our nozzles are commonly produced in investment casting, using special heat resistant alloys. As geometrical adaptions ...

  • Manufactured by Ross Boilers
    based in INDIA

    Rising liquid fuel prices have led to the demand for solid fuel fired boilers. We have developed the Sigma series of horizontal smoke tube boilers in capacities starting from 1,00,000Kcas/hr to 30100000Kcols/hr. The Sigma units are normally designed for high water flows, with very less pressure drop on the water side. The outlet temperature is normally around 95°C, but can be offered upto ...

  • Manufactured by ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Stationary fluidised bed combustion systems are universally applicable due to their fuel-oriented versatility using slurry, waste and hard coal, and the possibility of incinerating various fuels at the same time. Fluidised bed combustion systems have a simpler design and are thus low cost. Using fluidised beds is more difficult than operating a grate system as a result of trying to keeping ...

  • Manufactured by DHB Boiler
    based in CHINA

    DHB Boilers is a leading global manufacturer of biomass boilers. We offer a wide range of quality Biomass Boilers designed, manufactured and post-maintained, as well as a variety of components to meet the needs of your ...

  • based in CHINA

    The 240 t/h lignite-fired CFB (Circulating Fluidized Bed) boiler is a new type of boiler designed by Jinan Boiler Group Co., Ltd., optimized based on their previous 220 t/h coal-fired CFB boilers. It is engineered for high efficiency and low pollution, capable of burning lignite coal with high moisture content. The boiler operates with a combustion efficiency of up to 97%. When burning fuel with ...

  • based in INDIA

    A Fluidized Bed Boiler popularly known as FBC Boilers are designed so as fuel particles are suspended in a hot, bubbling fluidity bed of Refractory Bed materials , through which jets of air are blown to provide the oxygen required for combustion . The resultant fast and intimate mixing of gas and solids promotes rapid heat transfer and chemical reactions within the bed. FBC Boilers plants are ...

  • Manufactured by KPA Unicon Group Oy
    based in FINLAND

    Landfills don’t have to be the end of the line. A high-efficiency solution for Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF or RDF) combustion. KPA Unicon is transforming the world’s waste problems into energy solutions. We are dedicated to creating Waste-to-Energy (WtE) technologies and products that not only make it a viable solution but also greatly reduce the negative impacts that landfills have on ...

  • based in USA

    Epcon's unique patented systems and our commitment to innovation keep us on the cutting edge of technology. Epcon is one of the few companies to have it's own state-of-the-art manufacturing facility on site. Our 150,000 Sq. Ft. shop is full of modern fabricating machines such as lathes, drilling machines and drill presses. Contact us today for the solution to your heat processing ...

  • Manufactured by Torftech Group
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The particles to be processed are held in a shallow bed suspended by jets of the process gas stream that is forced through stationary angled blades at high velocity. The process gas stream impacts on and minimises the insulating microscopic gas layer around each particle. As a result, the heat and mass transfer rate is greater than in other types of reactor which means faster, more effective ...

  • Manufactured by Star Boilers Pvt. Ltd.
    based in INDIA

    Capacity: 2 TPH – 6 TPH. Pressure: 10.54 kg/cm2g / 17.5 kg/cm2g. Fuel(s): Rice Husk/Saw ...

  • Manufactured by CHEEMA BOILERS LIMITED
    based in INDIA

    Slop Fired Boilers offers ZERO EFFLUENT LIQUID DISCHARGE that enhanced energy security to the distillery and provides solutions for its effluent management challenges. ...

  • based in INDIA

    Coal Based Rotary Kiln for Direct Reduced Iron / Sponge Iron (100 TPD, 350 TPD, and 500 TPD) Solid-state reduction of Iron Ore using either coal/gas as a medium of reduction to produce a substitute raw material for steel making is termed as Direct Reduced Iron (DRI). Since DRI is produced by removing oxygen from iron ore, its structure is just like a sponge with a network of connecting pores. ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The limit values for emissions applicable to waste-to-energy plants are more stringent than those applying to any other type of industrial plant. Irrespective of this, the trend to further minimize pollutant emissions is continuing. At MARTIN GmbH, this led to the development of the SYNCOM process, which consists of the following ...

  • Manufactured by Torftech Group
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Technology - The patented TORBED process suspends a rotating bed of free flowing mineral particles above a ring of static vanes through which high velocity hot air is directed. A rapid heat transfer is achieved from air to the fluidised solid particles resulting in uniform processed ...

  • based in CHINA

    High efficiency boiling furnace is a new type of fluidized bed type combustion furnace, which can burn bituminous coal, anthracite and various inferior fuels, and the combustion efficiency is more than ...

  • Manufactured by WEHRLE
    based in GERMANY

    In terms of incineration plants, WEHRLE is the specialist regarding fluidised-bed ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Thermally and mechanically highly resilient combustion systems with an intelligent combustion control. The fuel is metered via a ram feeder. Each grate zone is individually controllable including multi-stage primary air distribution. Secondary air injection is via rows of nozzles in the front and rear walls of the combustion ...

  • Manufactured by Mimsan Group
    based in TURKEY

    Next-Generation Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology is designed to create complete combustion by recycling unburned particles from the Furnace. Therefore, both the low- calorie and high-calorie lignite can be burned with high yield. With this technology, it is possible to ensure energy economy in each period based on periodical changes in fuel ...

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