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Boilers Technology Companies

9 companies found
  • Energy Kinetics
    based in Lebanon, NEW JERSEY (USA)

    Energy Kinetics was founded by John Marran, a leader in heat transfer and energy efficiency. System 2000® was designed in 1979 by John Marran in response to the need for more energy efficient and reliable heating systems and as part of a solution to ...

    Ascent Combi and Ascent Plus Combi Boilers

    Ascent Combi and Ascent Plus Combi Boilers

    New Combi Boiler Technology Leap Frogs Old Fashioned Tankless Technology to Cut Fuel Bills Up to 20% or More! Energy efficient by combining heat and hot water in one boiler! In fact, Ascent Combi boilers are not only more efficient, but they are ...

  • HM3 Energy, Inc.
    based in GRESHAM, OREGON (USA)

    HM3 Energy produces biocoal (also known as black pellets) from forest waste and other biomass. HM3 Energy’s patented technology is so energy-efficient and cost-effective, its HM3BiocoalTM is cheaper than white pellets as drop-in coal replacement ...

  • Stokvis Energy Systems
    based in Surrey, UNITED KINGDOM

    With a successful track record going back over 30 years, Stokvis Energy Systems has established itself as a leader in the field of commercial and industrial heating and hot water service products: being widely specified in hotel, leisure, education, ...

    Stokvis - Model R3400 - Floor Standing Boiler

    Stokvis - Model R3400 - Floor Standing Boiler

    Gas fired, stainless steel, semi-condensing, fully modulating, water cooled ultra low NOx pre mix gas fired boilers. The boilers are packed with features that are best in class and provide high output, extreme efficiency, reliability and ultra low ...

  • Babcock & Wilcox
    based in Charlotte, NORTH CAROLINA (USA)

    B&W's four business units provide quality fossil, environmental, commercial and government nuclear operations, products and services. B&W supplies products and services to a wide spectrum of industries and markets, including Modular Nuclear Power, ...

    Spare Parts

    Spare Parts

    We manufacture a number of original spare parts for our plants to ensure their availability for daily operations and unexpected shutdowns.Critical spare parts for immediate supply We always have critical and original spare parts ready for immediate ...

  • Heat Power B.V.
    based in Nuenen, NETHERLANDS

    Heat Power B.V. is founded in 2004 by Dr. Henk Ouwerkerk, after a patent of a new type of combined heat and gas turbine system, the Rankine Compression Gas-turbine (RCG), was successfully filled. We have gained over 10 years of experience in design ...

    Prototyping Services

    Prototyping Services

    Heat Power B.V. is experienced in the design and realization of innovative prototypes for thermal processes. Examples can be found in forced convection boilers, heat exchangers, turbomachinery and heat storage. We are capable of providing a ...

  • Carbon Legacy Ltd
    based in

    Carbon Legacy is one of the best placed companies to deliver a renewable solution for your situation because of our transparency, honesty and knowledge of the renewable industry. We know our most important asset is our staff and the knowledge they ...

    Air Source Heat Pumps

    Air Source Heat Pumps

    In this day and age, with skyrocketing fuel bills and the introduction of the Renewable Heat Incentive, an increasing number of people are turning to alternative means and renewable technologies when it comes to generating ...

  • Passiv UK Limited
    based in Berkshire, UNITED KINGDOM

    We are a smart energy technology business. We have spent over a decade developing software solutions to decarbonise homes. Our patented technology provides market leading control of low-carbon technologies such as heat pumps, battery storage, solar ...

    Smart Energy Platform

    Smart Energy Platform

    The Smart Energy Platform for monitoring, controlling and optimising low-carbon technologies in the home. To reduce our carbon emissions, we need to change how we travel, heat our homes and generate power. We need an energy revolution in our ...

  • Beijing SPC Environment Tech. Co., Ltd
    based in Beijing, CHINA

    Beijing Qingxin Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is a state-level high-tech enterprise specializing in industrial environmental protection, energy conservation and comprehensive utilization of resources. The company was founded in 2001 and ...

  • CarbonQuest
    based in New York City, NEW YORK (USA)

    CarbonQuest is a company dedicated to reducing emissions through innovative and efficient carbon capture solutions. By integrating trusted technologies with expert approaches, we focus on point source carbon capture for applications such as fuel ...

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